Seeking online site to do georeferencing? [closed] Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Secure online GIS for sensitive data?How to generate a world file with rotationImproving Georeferencing results?Seeking online WKT editor?Georeference IMG file in QGISGeoreferencing Image using saved Link Table from another Image?Georeferencing in ArcMap very slow?Automating georeferencing of aerial photos?Seeking website to do geoprocessing online?Has online map-based software for survey been developed?

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What are some likely causes to domain member PC losing contact to domain controller?

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latest version of QGIS fails to edit attribute table of GeoJSON file

Are there any irrational/transcendental numbers for which the distribution of decimal digits is not uniform?

"Destructive power" carried by a B-52?

Random body shuffle every night—can we still function?

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When to apply negative sign when number is squared

Does the main washing effect of soap come from foam?

Seeking online site to do georeferencing? [closed]

Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)
Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Secure online GIS for sensitive data?How to generate a world file with rotationImproving Georeferencing results?Seeking online WKT editor?Georeference IMG file in QGISGeoreferencing Image using saved Link Table from another Image?Georeferencing in ArcMap very slow?Automating georeferencing of aerial photos?Seeking website to do geoprocessing online?Has online map-based software for survey been developed?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;


Is there an online site that I upload to and let it run to do georeferencing?

I had a file that I copied and pasted last year and it was georeferenced I did on my ERDAS Imagine using AutoSync.

It got lost somewhere and could not find it.

It is one file that I need back.

I have the raw ungeoreferenced file on my hard drive, and an external hard drive.

share|improve this question

closed as primarily opinion-based by Vince, Hornbydd, Jochen Schwarze, whyzar, csk Apr 15 at 19:16

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.


    – csk
    Apr 12 at 19:46


Is there an online site that I upload to and let it run to do georeferencing?

I had a file that I copied and pasted last year and it was georeferenced I did on my ERDAS Imagine using AutoSync.

It got lost somewhere and could not find it.

It is one file that I need back.

I have the raw ungeoreferenced file on my hard drive, and an external hard drive.

share|improve this question

closed as primarily opinion-based by Vince, Hornbydd, Jochen Schwarze, whyzar, csk Apr 15 at 19:16

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.


    – csk
    Apr 12 at 19:46





Is there an online site that I upload to and let it run to do georeferencing?

I had a file that I copied and pasted last year and it was georeferenced I did on my ERDAS Imagine using AutoSync.

It got lost somewhere and could not find it.

It is one file that I need back.

I have the raw ungeoreferenced file on my hard drive, and an external hard drive.

share|improve this question

Is there an online site that I upload to and let it run to do georeferencing?

I had a file that I copied and pasted last year and it was georeferenced I did on my ERDAS Imagine using AutoSync.

It got lost somewhere and could not find it.

It is one file that I need back.

I have the raw ungeoreferenced file on my hard drive, and an external hard drive.

georeferencing software-recommendations online

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Apr 12 at 20:47




asked Apr 12 at 19:20




closed as primarily opinion-based by Vince, Hornbydd, Jochen Schwarze, whyzar, csk Apr 15 at 19:16

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as primarily opinion-based by Vince, Hornbydd, Jochen Schwarze, whyzar, csk Apr 15 at 19:16

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.


    – csk
    Apr 12 at 19:46


    – csk
    Apr 12 at 19:46

– csk
Apr 12 at 19:46

– csk
Apr 12 at 19:46



















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