
Showing posts from March 30, 2019

What is the difference between Sanyaas and Vairagya? The Next CEO of Stack OverflowWhy Shiva (an asectic god) has family while most other Gods don't?What is the next stage after Sanyasa?Why and when does a Sadhu(Sanyasi) become Mauni(silent)?Why do sanyasa scriptures degrade women?Can Sannyasis accept meat as bhiksham?Does a Sannyasi have a caste? Or it gets dissolved upon taking Sannyasa?Which scripture has the story of the prostitute and the Sannyasi?What are the regulations related to food for sanyaasis?How do Naishtika Brahmacharis and Smartha Sanyasis repay the Deva and Pitru debts(ऋण)?Difference between Naishtika Brahmacharya and Sanyasa

Example of a Mathematician/Physicist whose Other Publications during their PhD eclipsed their PhD Thesis Why don't programming languages automatically manage the synchronous/asynchronous problem? 0-rank tensor vs vector in 1D Is the D&D universe the same as the Forgotten Realms universe? How to check if all elements of 1 list are in the *same quantity* and in any order, in the list2? Is it convenient to ask the journal's editor for two additional days to complete a review? If the heap is zero-initialized for security, then why is the stack merely uninitialized? The exact meaning of 'Mom made me a sandwich' Would a completely good Muggle be able to use a wand? Grabbing quick drinks Why isn't the Mueller report being released completely and unredacted? Is there a way to save my career from absolute disaster? Are police here, aren't itthey? Make solar eclipses exceedingly rare, but still have new moons How many extra stops do monopod

How to prepend a string to only the lines of text which are numbers The Next CEO of Stack OverflowAutomatically doubling the value of numbers in a string in multiple filesHow can I count lines of differently named files, and write the outcome to a csv file?Multiplying numbers in file by random numbersHow to get line from a file using line number and edit it easily?Only in lines with a specific string replace another stringDelete all lines from middle of a line matching a string until the second string match is foundInsert a line of text after the line containing the last occurence of a specified wordDelete ranges of lines, but skip the comments which come in between the linesHow to recursively go through all text files in a directory to fetch the desired line, and write these lines to same text file?grep and sed only the numbers from a text file's line

Is there a difference between "Fahrstuhl" and "Aufzug" I believe this to be a fraud - hired, then asked to cash check and send cash as Bitcoin Does Germany produce more waste than the US? Why doesn't UK go for the same deal Japan has with EU to resolve Brexit? Where do students learn to solve polynomial equations these days? What steps are necessary to read a Modern SSD in Medieval Europe? A small doubt about the dominated convergence theorem Recycling old answers How to find the nth term in the following sequence: 1,1,2,2,4,4,8,8,16,16 How do I align (1) and (2)? How to edit “Name” property in GCI output? TikZ: How to reverse arrow direction without switching start/end point? Why isn't the Mueller report being released completely and unredacted? Necessary condition on homology group for a set to be contractible Make solar eclipses exceedingly rare, but still have new moons Is it convenient to ask the journal's editor for tw