Optimal method to convert raster from 32bit Float to 8bit Byte to reduce file size in QGIS 3 The Next CEO of Stack OverflowWhy does an 32-bit FGDB raster have a smaller file size than 8-bit?Extracting raster classe(s) and creating new raster that is SMALLER in size using QGIS?How to set all pixels with value <= 0 to “nodata” in DEM raster?Creating Maximum-Value Composite using QGIS?Polygonizing only pixel values of 1 from raster using QGIS?QGIS raster calculator error: cannot convert float infinity to integerWhy does an 32-bit FGDB raster have a smaller file size than 8-bit?Is is possible to have some 0-value pixels as NoData while others not in GeoTiff using GDAL?Translate (convert format): Set the size of the output fileVirtual Raster Mosaic - gdalbuildvrt - data gapsQGIS 3.2 - Poor conversion from high-resolution vector to rasterQGIS raster calculator not keeping each pixel with 1 byte?

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Optimal method to convert raster from 32bit Float to 8bit Byte to reduce file size in QGIS 3

The Next CEO of Stack OverflowWhy does an 32-bit FGDB raster have a smaller file size than 8-bit?Extracting raster classe(s) and creating new raster that is SMALLER in size using QGIS?How to set all pixels with value <= 0 to “nodata” in DEM raster?Creating Maximum-Value Composite using QGIS?Polygonizing only pixel values of 1 from raster using QGIS?QGIS raster calculator error: cannot convert float infinity to integerWhy does an 32-bit FGDB raster have a smaller file size than 8-bit?Is is possible to have some 0-value pixels as NoData while others not in GeoTiff using GDAL?Translate (convert format): Set the size of the output fileVirtual Raster Mosaic - gdalbuildvrt - data gapsQGIS 3.2 - Poor conversion from high-resolution vector to rasterQGIS raster calculator not keeping each pixel with 1 byte?


I have a raster file (.tif) that contains integer values from 1 to 31. I have realized that the values are stored as Float32 with NoData Value=-3.39999999999999996e+38 (see raster information below). I think that the optimal method to store the data is as unsigned 8 bit integer (QGIS Byte) as there are no decimal values and the maximum value is below 255. I have used the Translate (convert format) tool available from GDAL to change the data type from Float32 to Byte (following these instructions). However, I have run into two issues:

  1. The resulting file is BIGGER than my original file (from 31MB to 268MB). I noticed that the original file had COMPRESSION=LZW and tried to use various compression formats under Profile but I was not successful in reducing file size while maintaining data quality (e.g. using JPEGwith 100 resulted in some values being +/-1 of the values they should be and some random additional pixels)

  2. I had difficulty setting the NoData value. It seems that 0 worked in my case but I may have files with 0-values that are meaningful and I wouldn't know how to convert the multidecimal NoData value from the Float to an integer value that is not confused with actual zero values in the dataset.

Or are compression techniques more optimal with Float32 than with Byte so file sizes are smaller even though it is storing it as a higher-memory file? Perhaps it is also relevant to note that there are many more pixels with NA values than pixels with values.

Size is 21768, 12920
Pixel Size = (250.000000000000000,-250.000000000000000)
Image Structure Metadata:
Band 1 Block=21768x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
Min=1.000 Max=31.000
Minimum=1.000, Maximum=31.000, Mean=nan, StdDev=nan
NoData Value=-3.39999999999999996e+38

According to this related post, the raster size is computed based on the following formula:

The size of a raster is just the product of bit-depth/8, bands, rows,
and columns plus header metadata (statistics, etc.)

32/8* 1* 21768* 12920* =1124970240 Bytes ~1124MB
8/8* 1* 21768* 12920* =281242560 Bytes ~281MB

That gives me roughly the size Windows indicates for my 8-bit raster (281MB~268MB). What about the treatment of NA values? Does an NA pixel take up as much space as a pixel with a value? Is the 32-bit compression algorithm more successful in not using digital space for the cells without data than the 8-bit compression algorithm?

share|improve this question

  • If the size of the data increases when you convert to BYTE, you are probably not going to be able to make your data much smaller than it originally is. Do you need the image to be an image or could you use a different format? For example, if the most important thing is data size rather than visualization, you could read in the data as an array and then write it to a hdf file. You wouldn't be able to visualize this, but you could still access the values for analysis

    – Nathan Thomas
    17 hours ago

  • I am using QGIS to play around and investigate data values across my study area -- does that imply "visualization"? Sorry for my naiveté.

    – user3386170
    12 hours ago


I have a raster file (.tif) that contains integer values from 1 to 31. I have realized that the values are stored as Float32 with NoData Value=-3.39999999999999996e+38 (see raster information below). I think that the optimal method to store the data is as unsigned 8 bit integer (QGIS Byte) as there are no decimal values and the maximum value is below 255. I have used the Translate (convert format) tool available from GDAL to change the data type from Float32 to Byte (following these instructions). However, I have run into two issues:

  1. The resulting file is BIGGER than my original file (from 31MB to 268MB). I noticed that the original file had COMPRESSION=LZW and tried to use various compression formats under Profile but I was not successful in reducing file size while maintaining data quality (e.g. using JPEGwith 100 resulted in some values being +/-1 of the values they should be and some random additional pixels)

  2. I had difficulty setting the NoData value. It seems that 0 worked in my case but I may have files with 0-values that are meaningful and I wouldn't know how to convert the multidecimal NoData value from the Float to an integer value that is not confused with actual zero values in the dataset.

Or are compression techniques more optimal with Float32 than with Byte so file sizes are smaller even though it is storing it as a higher-memory file? Perhaps it is also relevant to note that there are many more pixels with NA values than pixels with values.

Size is 21768, 12920
Pixel Size = (250.000000000000000,-250.000000000000000)
Image Structure Metadata:
Band 1 Block=21768x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
Min=1.000 Max=31.000
Minimum=1.000, Maximum=31.000, Mean=nan, StdDev=nan
NoData Value=-3.39999999999999996e+38

According to this related post, the raster size is computed based on the following formula:

The size of a raster is just the product of bit-depth/8, bands, rows,
and columns plus header metadata (statistics, etc.)

32/8* 1* 21768* 12920* =1124970240 Bytes ~1124MB
8/8* 1* 21768* 12920* =281242560 Bytes ~281MB

That gives me roughly the size Windows indicates for my 8-bit raster (281MB~268MB). What about the treatment of NA values? Does an NA pixel take up as much space as a pixel with a value? Is the 32-bit compression algorithm more successful in not using digital space for the cells without data than the 8-bit compression algorithm?

share|improve this question

  • If the size of the data increases when you convert to BYTE, you are probably not going to be able to make your data much smaller than it originally is. Do you need the image to be an image or could you use a different format? For example, if the most important thing is data size rather than visualization, you could read in the data as an array and then write it to a hdf file. You wouldn't be able to visualize this, but you could still access the values for analysis

    – Nathan Thomas
    17 hours ago

  • I am using QGIS to play around and investigate data values across my study area -- does that imply "visualization"? Sorry for my naiveté.

    – user3386170
    12 hours ago




I have a raster file (.tif) that contains integer values from 1 to 31. I have realized that the values are stored as Float32 with NoData Value=-3.39999999999999996e+38 (see raster information below). I think that the optimal method to store the data is as unsigned 8 bit integer (QGIS Byte) as there are no decimal values and the maximum value is below 255. I have used the Translate (convert format) tool available from GDAL to change the data type from Float32 to Byte (following these instructions). However, I have run into two issues:

  1. The resulting file is BIGGER than my original file (from 31MB to 268MB). I noticed that the original file had COMPRESSION=LZW and tried to use various compression formats under Profile but I was not successful in reducing file size while maintaining data quality (e.g. using JPEGwith 100 resulted in some values being +/-1 of the values they should be and some random additional pixels)

  2. I had difficulty setting the NoData value. It seems that 0 worked in my case but I may have files with 0-values that are meaningful and I wouldn't know how to convert the multidecimal NoData value from the Float to an integer value that is not confused with actual zero values in the dataset.

Or are compression techniques more optimal with Float32 than with Byte so file sizes are smaller even though it is storing it as a higher-memory file? Perhaps it is also relevant to note that there are many more pixels with NA values than pixels with values.

Size is 21768, 12920
Pixel Size = (250.000000000000000,-250.000000000000000)
Image Structure Metadata:
Band 1 Block=21768x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
Min=1.000 Max=31.000
Minimum=1.000, Maximum=31.000, Mean=nan, StdDev=nan
NoData Value=-3.39999999999999996e+38

According to this related post, the raster size is computed based on the following formula:

The size of a raster is just the product of bit-depth/8, bands, rows,
and columns plus header metadata (statistics, etc.)

32/8* 1* 21768* 12920* =1124970240 Bytes ~1124MB
8/8* 1* 21768* 12920* =281242560 Bytes ~281MB

That gives me roughly the size Windows indicates for my 8-bit raster (281MB~268MB). What about the treatment of NA values? Does an NA pixel take up as much space as a pixel with a value? Is the 32-bit compression algorithm more successful in not using digital space for the cells without data than the 8-bit compression algorithm?

share|improve this question

I have a raster file (.tif) that contains integer values from 1 to 31. I have realized that the values are stored as Float32 with NoData Value=-3.39999999999999996e+38 (see raster information below). I think that the optimal method to store the data is as unsigned 8 bit integer (QGIS Byte) as there are no decimal values and the maximum value is below 255. I have used the Translate (convert format) tool available from GDAL to change the data type from Float32 to Byte (following these instructions). However, I have run into two issues:

  1. The resulting file is BIGGER than my original file (from 31MB to 268MB). I noticed that the original file had COMPRESSION=LZW and tried to use various compression formats under Profile but I was not successful in reducing file size while maintaining data quality (e.g. using JPEGwith 100 resulted in some values being +/-1 of the values they should be and some random additional pixels)

  2. I had difficulty setting the NoData value. It seems that 0 worked in my case but I may have files with 0-values that are meaningful and I wouldn't know how to convert the multidecimal NoData value from the Float to an integer value that is not confused with actual zero values in the dataset.

Or are compression techniques more optimal with Float32 than with Byte so file sizes are smaller even though it is storing it as a higher-memory file? Perhaps it is also relevant to note that there are many more pixels with NA values than pixels with values.

Size is 21768, 12920
Pixel Size = (250.000000000000000,-250.000000000000000)
Image Structure Metadata:
Band 1 Block=21768x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
Min=1.000 Max=31.000
Minimum=1.000, Maximum=31.000, Mean=nan, StdDev=nan
NoData Value=-3.39999999999999996e+38

According to this related post, the raster size is computed based on the following formula:

The size of a raster is just the product of bit-depth/8, bands, rows,
and columns plus header metadata (statistics, etc.)

32/8* 1* 21768* 12920* =1124970240 Bytes ~1124MB
8/8* 1* 21768* 12920* =281242560 Bytes ~281MB

That gives me roughly the size Windows indicates for my 8-bit raster (281MB~268MB). What about the treatment of NA values? Does an NA pixel take up as much space as a pixel with a value? Is the 32-bit compression algorithm more successful in not using digital space for the cells without data than the 8-bit compression algorithm?

qgis raster qgis-3 format

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edited 12 hours ago


asked yesterday




  • If the size of the data increases when you convert to BYTE, you are probably not going to be able to make your data much smaller than it originally is. Do you need the image to be an image or could you use a different format? For example, if the most important thing is data size rather than visualization, you could read in the data as an array and then write it to a hdf file. You wouldn't be able to visualize this, but you could still access the values for analysis

    – Nathan Thomas
    17 hours ago

  • I am using QGIS to play around and investigate data values across my study area -- does that imply "visualization"? Sorry for my naiveté.

    – user3386170
    12 hours ago

  • If the size of the data increases when you convert to BYTE, you are probably not going to be able to make your data much smaller than it originally is. Do you need the image to be an image or could you use a different format? For example, if the most important thing is data size rather than visualization, you could read in the data as an array and then write it to a hdf file. You wouldn't be able to visualize this, but you could still access the values for analysis

    – Nathan Thomas
    17 hours ago

  • I am using QGIS to play around and investigate data values across my study area -- does that imply "visualization"? Sorry for my naiveté.

    – user3386170
    12 hours ago

If the size of the data increases when you convert to BYTE, you are probably not going to be able to make your data much smaller than it originally is. Do you need the image to be an image or could you use a different format? For example, if the most important thing is data size rather than visualization, you could read in the data as an array and then write it to a hdf file. You wouldn't be able to visualize this, but you could still access the values for analysis

– Nathan Thomas
17 hours ago

If the size of the data increases when you convert to BYTE, you are probably not going to be able to make your data much smaller than it originally is. Do you need the image to be an image or could you use a different format? For example, if the most important thing is data size rather than visualization, you could read in the data as an array and then write it to a hdf file. You wouldn't be able to visualize this, but you could still access the values for analysis

– Nathan Thomas
17 hours ago

I am using QGIS to play around and investigate data values across my study area -- does that imply "visualization"? Sorry for my naiveté.

– user3386170
12 hours ago

I am using QGIS to play around and investigate data values across my study area -- does that imply "visualization"? Sorry for my naiveté.

– user3386170
12 hours ago





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