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Selecting Points within Area using Google Earth Engine?

Selecting every image of collection using Google Earth Engine?Mean per district - Google Earth EngineArea error in Google Earth EngineGoogle Earth Engine - Map.addLayerSelecting n-random points within polygon as single feature in Google Earth Engine?Google Earth Engine, how to distinguish between rivers/streams and ponds/lakes in a water maskPython script tool fails when processing rainfall data from Google Earth EngineIntegrating Google Earth historical imagery within Google Earth EngineSelecting parameters for visualization in Google Earth EngineReducing arrays within arrays using Google Earth Engine?


I have the following code in Google Earth Engine:

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD14A1')
.filter('2018-01-17', '2019-01-04'));

var fireMaskVis =
min: 0.0,
max: 6000.0,
bands: ['MaxFRP', 'FireMask', 'FireMask',]
Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 2);
Map.addLayer(dataset, fireMaskVis, 'Fire Mask');

// coordinates to zoom to and get statistics from

var point = ee.Geometry.Point([2.3622940161999395, 42.569280018996714]);

Map.addLayer(AOI, , 'the area of interest');
Map.centerObject(AOI, 11);

var fire ="FireMask");

// reduce the surface temperature image collection to a single image with stacked bands
function collToBands(imageCollection, bandName)
// stack all the bands to one single image
// change the name of the bandname to the date it is acquired
var changedNames = function(img)
var dateString = ee.Date(img.get('system:time_start')).format('yyyy-MM-dd');

// Apply the function toBands() on the image collection to set all bands into one image
var multiband = changedNames.toBands();
// Reset the bandnames
var names = multiband.bandNames();
// rename the bandnames
var newNames =
var ind = names.indexOf(name);
return ee.String(names.get(ind)).slice(5);
return multiband.rename(newNames);

// apply the function and print to console
var multiband = collToBands(fire, "FireMask");
//print('collection to bands', multiband);

// get the temperature at a given point on the map for the given time spand and print to the console
var firePoint = multiband.reduceRegion(reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), geometry: point, scale: 1000, bestEffort: true);


// make a feature collection of many pixelsize-spaced points
function spacedPoints(AOI, proj)
// make a coordinate image
// get coordinates image
var latlon = ee.Image.pixelLonLat().reproject(proj);
// put each lon lat in a list -> this time for getting an multipoint list (more useful inside the GEE)
var coords =['longitude', 'latitude'])
.reduceRegion(reducer: ee.Reducer.toList(),
geometry: AOI,
scale: proj.nominalScale().toInt()
// zip the coordinates for representation. Example: zip([1, 3],[2, 4]) --> [[1, 2], [3,4]]
var point_list = ee.List(coords.get('longitude')).zip(ee.List(coords.get('latitude')));
// preset a random list
var list = ee.List([0]);
// Make a feature collection of the multipoints and assign distinct IDs to every feature
var feats = ee.FeatureCollection(
var ind = point_list.indexOf(point);
var feat = ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point(point_list.get(ind)), 'ID': ind);
return list.add(feat);
return feats;

// use function to get the spaced points
var points = spacedPoints(geometry,;
// add to the map
Map.addLayer(points.draw('red'), , 'the spaced points');

// calculate the temperature over the time span at every point in the AOI
var fires = multiband.reduceRegions(collection: points, reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), scale: 10000);

I have a polygon called AOI covering California, and I am trying to select points inside the polygon from a collection of points called geometry. When I run the code, I get the following error:

the spaced points: Layer error: An internal server error has occurred (0c65b8234cd71e9738a03fdbf87e5acb).

I did see that when I tried to find data for one point, it worked. I think it might have to do with the number of decimal places I go to on the coordinates. In the geometry points, the coordinates only go out to 4 decimal places, but with the single point I tested, it went out to 16 decimal places, and that worked.

Here is the link to the script in order to see the geometry and AOI imports:

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  • Please Edit the question to place the relevant code snippet in the body of the question (indented four spaces with the button for legibility). Links fail over time, and the number of volunteers willing to follow links is smaller than the total.

    – Vince
    2 days ago

  • Your area is way too big to print such an amount of points and the input in the spacedPoints function should be a polygon, instead of the points you have as input now

    – Kuik


I have the following code in Google Earth Engine:

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD14A1')
.filter('2018-01-17', '2019-01-04'));

var fireMaskVis =
min: 0.0,
max: 6000.0,
bands: ['MaxFRP', 'FireMask', 'FireMask',]
Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 2);
Map.addLayer(dataset, fireMaskVis, 'Fire Mask');

// coordinates to zoom to and get statistics from

var point = ee.Geometry.Point([2.3622940161999395, 42.569280018996714]);

Map.addLayer(AOI, , 'the area of interest');
Map.centerObject(AOI, 11);

var fire ="FireMask");

// reduce the surface temperature image collection to a single image with stacked bands
function collToBands(imageCollection, bandName)
// stack all the bands to one single image
// change the name of the bandname to the date it is acquired
var changedNames = function(img)
var dateString = ee.Date(img.get('system:time_start')).format('yyyy-MM-dd');

// Apply the function toBands() on the image collection to set all bands into one image
var multiband = changedNames.toBands();
// Reset the bandnames
var names = multiband.bandNames();
// rename the bandnames
var newNames =
var ind = names.indexOf(name);
return ee.String(names.get(ind)).slice(5);
return multiband.rename(newNames);

// apply the function and print to console
var multiband = collToBands(fire, "FireMask");
//print('collection to bands', multiband);

// get the temperature at a given point on the map for the given time spand and print to the console
var firePoint = multiband.reduceRegion(reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), geometry: point, scale: 1000, bestEffort: true);


// make a feature collection of many pixelsize-spaced points
function spacedPoints(AOI, proj)
// make a coordinate image
// get coordinates image
var latlon = ee.Image.pixelLonLat().reproject(proj);
// put each lon lat in a list -> this time for getting an multipoint list (more useful inside the GEE)
var coords =['longitude', 'latitude'])
.reduceRegion(reducer: ee.Reducer.toList(),
geometry: AOI,
scale: proj.nominalScale().toInt()
// zip the coordinates for representation. Example: zip([1, 3],[2, 4]) --> [[1, 2], [3,4]]
var point_list = ee.List(coords.get('longitude')).zip(ee.List(coords.get('latitude')));
// preset a random list
var list = ee.List([0]);
// Make a feature collection of the multipoints and assign distinct IDs to every feature
var feats = ee.FeatureCollection(
var ind = point_list.indexOf(point);
var feat = ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point(point_list.get(ind)), 'ID': ind);
return list.add(feat);
return feats;

// use function to get the spaced points
var points = spacedPoints(geometry,;
// add to the map
Map.addLayer(points.draw('red'), , 'the spaced points');

// calculate the temperature over the time span at every point in the AOI
var fires = multiband.reduceRegions(collection: points, reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), scale: 10000);

I have a polygon called AOI covering California, and I am trying to select points inside the polygon from a collection of points called geometry. When I run the code, I get the following error:

the spaced points: Layer error: An internal server error has occurred (0c65b8234cd71e9738a03fdbf87e5acb).

I did see that when I tried to find data for one point, it worked. I think it might have to do with the number of decimal places I go to on the coordinates. In the geometry points, the coordinates only go out to 4 decimal places, but with the single point I tested, it went out to 16 decimal places, and that worked.

Here is the link to the script in order to see the geometry and AOI imports:

share|improve this question

  • Please Edit the question to place the relevant code snippet in the body of the question (indented four spaces with the button for legibility). Links fail over time, and the number of volunteers willing to follow links is smaller than the total.

    – Vince
    2 days ago

  • Your area is way too big to print such an amount of points and the input in the spacedPoints function should be a polygon, instead of the points you have as input now

    – Kuik




I have the following code in Google Earth Engine:

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD14A1')
.filter('2018-01-17', '2019-01-04'));

var fireMaskVis =
min: 0.0,
max: 6000.0,
bands: ['MaxFRP', 'FireMask', 'FireMask',]
Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 2);
Map.addLayer(dataset, fireMaskVis, 'Fire Mask');

// coordinates to zoom to and get statistics from

var point = ee.Geometry.Point([2.3622940161999395, 42.569280018996714]);

Map.addLayer(AOI, , 'the area of interest');
Map.centerObject(AOI, 11);

var fire ="FireMask");

// reduce the surface temperature image collection to a single image with stacked bands
function collToBands(imageCollection, bandName)
// stack all the bands to one single image
// change the name of the bandname to the date it is acquired
var changedNames = function(img)
var dateString = ee.Date(img.get('system:time_start')).format('yyyy-MM-dd');

// Apply the function toBands() on the image collection to set all bands into one image
var multiband = changedNames.toBands();
// Reset the bandnames
var names = multiband.bandNames();
// rename the bandnames
var newNames =
var ind = names.indexOf(name);
return ee.String(names.get(ind)).slice(5);
return multiband.rename(newNames);

// apply the function and print to console
var multiband = collToBands(fire, "FireMask");
//print('collection to bands', multiband);

// get the temperature at a given point on the map for the given time spand and print to the console
var firePoint = multiband.reduceRegion(reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), geometry: point, scale: 1000, bestEffort: true);


// make a feature collection of many pixelsize-spaced points
function spacedPoints(AOI, proj)
// make a coordinate image
// get coordinates image
var latlon = ee.Image.pixelLonLat().reproject(proj);
// put each lon lat in a list -> this time for getting an multipoint list (more useful inside the GEE)
var coords =['longitude', 'latitude'])
.reduceRegion(reducer: ee.Reducer.toList(),
geometry: AOI,
scale: proj.nominalScale().toInt()
// zip the coordinates for representation. Example: zip([1, 3],[2, 4]) --> [[1, 2], [3,4]]
var point_list = ee.List(coords.get('longitude')).zip(ee.List(coords.get('latitude')));
// preset a random list
var list = ee.List([0]);
// Make a feature collection of the multipoints and assign distinct IDs to every feature
var feats = ee.FeatureCollection(
var ind = point_list.indexOf(point);
var feat = ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point(point_list.get(ind)), 'ID': ind);
return list.add(feat);
return feats;

// use function to get the spaced points
var points = spacedPoints(geometry,;
// add to the map
Map.addLayer(points.draw('red'), , 'the spaced points');

// calculate the temperature over the time span at every point in the AOI
var fires = multiband.reduceRegions(collection: points, reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), scale: 10000);

I have a polygon called AOI covering California, and I am trying to select points inside the polygon from a collection of points called geometry. When I run the code, I get the following error:

the spaced points: Layer error: An internal server error has occurred (0c65b8234cd71e9738a03fdbf87e5acb).

I did see that when I tried to find data for one point, it worked. I think it might have to do with the number of decimal places I go to on the coordinates. In the geometry points, the coordinates only go out to 4 decimal places, but with the single point I tested, it went out to 16 decimal places, and that worked.

Here is the link to the script in order to see the geometry and AOI imports:

share|improve this question

I have the following code in Google Earth Engine:

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD14A1')
.filter('2018-01-17', '2019-01-04'));

var fireMaskVis =
min: 0.0,
max: 6000.0,
bands: ['MaxFRP', 'FireMask', 'FireMask',]
Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 2);
Map.addLayer(dataset, fireMaskVis, 'Fire Mask');

// coordinates to zoom to and get statistics from

var point = ee.Geometry.Point([2.3622940161999395, 42.569280018996714]);

Map.addLayer(AOI, , 'the area of interest');
Map.centerObject(AOI, 11);

var fire ="FireMask");

// reduce the surface temperature image collection to a single image with stacked bands
function collToBands(imageCollection, bandName)
// stack all the bands to one single image
// change the name of the bandname to the date it is acquired
var changedNames = function(img)
var dateString = ee.Date(img.get('system:time_start')).format('yyyy-MM-dd');

// Apply the function toBands() on the image collection to set all bands into one image
var multiband = changedNames.toBands();
// Reset the bandnames
var names = multiband.bandNames();
// rename the bandnames
var newNames =
var ind = names.indexOf(name);
return ee.String(names.get(ind)).slice(5);
return multiband.rename(newNames);

// apply the function and print to console
var multiband = collToBands(fire, "FireMask");
//print('collection to bands', multiband);

// get the temperature at a given point on the map for the given time spand and print to the console
var firePoint = multiband.reduceRegion(reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), geometry: point, scale: 1000, bestEffort: true);


// make a feature collection of many pixelsize-spaced points
function spacedPoints(AOI, proj)
// make a coordinate image
// get coordinates image
var latlon = ee.Image.pixelLonLat().reproject(proj);
// put each lon lat in a list -> this time for getting an multipoint list (more useful inside the GEE)
var coords =['longitude', 'latitude'])
.reduceRegion(reducer: ee.Reducer.toList(),
geometry: AOI,
scale: proj.nominalScale().toInt()
// zip the coordinates for representation. Example: zip([1, 3],[2, 4]) --> [[1, 2], [3,4]]
var point_list = ee.List(coords.get('longitude')).zip(ee.List(coords.get('latitude')));
// preset a random list
var list = ee.List([0]);
// Make a feature collection of the multipoints and assign distinct IDs to every feature
var feats = ee.FeatureCollection(
var ind = point_list.indexOf(point);
var feat = ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point(point_list.get(ind)), 'ID': ind);
return list.add(feat);
return feats;

// use function to get the spaced points
var points = spacedPoints(geometry,;
// add to the map
Map.addLayer(points.draw('red'), , 'the spaced points');

// calculate the temperature over the time span at every point in the AOI
var fires = multiband.reduceRegions(collection: points, reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), scale: 10000);

I have a polygon called AOI covering California, and I am trying to select points inside the polygon from a collection of points called geometry. When I run the code, I get the following error:

the spaced points: Layer error: An internal server error has occurred (0c65b8234cd71e9738a03fdbf87e5acb).

I did see that when I tried to find data for one point, it worked. I think it might have to do with the number of decimal places I go to on the coordinates. In the geometry points, the coordinates only go out to 4 decimal places, but with the single point I tested, it went out to 16 decimal places, and that worked.

Here is the link to the script in order to see the geometry and AOI imports:


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share|improve this question

edited 2 days ago




asked 2 days ago




  • Please Edit the question to place the relevant code snippet in the body of the question (indented four spaces with the button for legibility). Links fail over time, and the number of volunteers willing to follow links is smaller than the total.

    – Vince
    2 days ago

  • Your area is way too big to print such an amount of points and the input in the spacedPoints function should be a polygon, instead of the points you have as input now

    – Kuik

  • Please Edit the question to place the relevant code snippet in the body of the question (indented four spaces with the button for legibility). Links fail over time, and the number of volunteers willing to follow links is smaller than the total.

    – Vince
    2 days ago

  • Your area is way too big to print such an amount of points and the input in the spacedPoints function should be a polygon, instead of the points you have as input now

    – Kuik

Please Edit the question to place the relevant code snippet in the body of the question (indented four spaces with the button for legibility). Links fail over time, and the number of volunteers willing to follow links is smaller than the total.

– Vince
2 days ago

Please Edit the question to place the relevant code snippet in the body of the question (indented four spaces with the button for legibility). Links fail over time, and the number of volunteers willing to follow links is smaller than the total.

– Vince
2 days ago

Your area is way too big to print such an amount of points and the input in the spacedPoints function should be a polygon, instead of the points you have as input now

– Kuik

Your area is way too big to print such an amount of points and the input in the spacedPoints function should be a polygon, instead of the points you have as input now

– Kuik

1 Answer





As it turns out, I was using the wrong coordinate system in the collection of points, so when I reduced the region of the AOI to those points, the coordinates were way outside of the area. After fixing the coordinates, the script worked fine.

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    As it turns out, I was using the wrong coordinate system in the collection of points, so when I reduced the region of the AOI to those points, the coordinates were way outside of the area. After fixing the coordinates, the script worked fine.

    share|improve this answer


      As it turns out, I was using the wrong coordinate system in the collection of points, so when I reduced the region of the AOI to those points, the coordinates were way outside of the area. After fixing the coordinates, the script worked fine.

      share|improve this answer




        As it turns out, I was using the wrong coordinate system in the collection of points, so when I reduced the region of the AOI to those points, the coordinates were way outside of the area. After fixing the coordinates, the script worked fine.

        share|improve this answer

        As it turns out, I was using the wrong coordinate system in the collection of points, so when I reduced the region of the AOI to those points, the coordinates were way outside of the area. After fixing the coordinates, the script worked fine.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered yesterday




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