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Nana Alexandria

N Alexandria 

Number of games in database: 171

Years covered: 1968 to 2001

Last FIDE rating: 2342

Highest rating achieved in database: 2375

Overall record: +48 -54 =57 (48.1%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games in the database.
12 exhibition games, blitz/rapid, odds games, etc. are excluded from this statistic.


With the White pieces:

 Sicilian (14) 
    B46 B31 B43 B45 B93
 King's Indian (11) 
    E94 E92 E95 E76 E81
 Queen's Indian (9) 
    E12 E15 E17
 Ruy Lopez (6) 
    C77 C91 C63
 Pirc (5) 
 Sicilian Taimanov (5) 
    B46 B45

With the Black pieces:

 Sicilian (23) 
    B32 B33 B93 B40 B44
 Queen's Indian (9) 
    E15 E14 E12 E17
 Semi-Slav (7) 
    D43 D44 D47 D48
 English (7) 
    A15 A12
 English, 1 c4 c5 (7) 
    A30 A34 A32 A33
 Alekhine's Defense (6) 
    B05 B02 B03

Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   V Vepkhvishvili vs N Alexandria, 1968 0-1

   N Alexandria vs Chiburdanidze, 1981 1/2-1/2

   N Alexandria vs M Litinskaya-Shul, 1980 1/2-1/2

   Chiburdanidze vs N Alexandria, 1981 0-1

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   1975 (women's) candidate final: Nana-Irina by gauer

   Women WCC Index [1981: Chiburdanidze-Alexandria] by chessmoron

   1980 (women's) candidates matches: Nana vs Marta by gauer

   1980 (women's) candidates matches: Nana vs Elena by gauer

   1974 (women's) candidates matches: Nana vs Marta by gauer

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FIDE player card for Nana Alexandria

(born Oct-13-1949, 69 years old) Georgia

[what is this?]
Nana Georgievna Alexandria was born in Poti, Georgia (formerly USSR).
Awarded the WIM title in 1966 and the WGM title in 1976 she was USSR Women's Champion in 1966, 1968 (jointly) and 1969.
She was also Women's World Championship Challenger twice. In 1975 she lost to Nona Gaprindashvili (+3, =1, -8) and in 1981 she drew with Maia Chiburdanidze (+4, =8, -4). She is now an administrator to FIDE. She became the chairperson of the FIDE Women's Committee in 1986.

Wikipedia article: Nana Alexandria

 page 1 of 7; games 1-25 of 171 
PGN Download

Game ResultMovesYearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. V Vepkhvishvili vs N Alexandria0-1261968Ch TbilisiB32 Sicilian
2. N Alexandria vs O Rubtsova 0-1491971Ohrid Interzonal (Women)B43 Sicilian, Kan, 5.Nc3
3. A Kushnir vs N Alexandria 1-0571971KislovodskA87 Dutch, Leningrad, Main Variation
4. Dzindzichashvili vs N Alexandria1-0211971Tbilisi DynamoB02 Alekhine's Defense
5. M Karff vs N Alexandria 0-1691971Ohrid Interzonal (Women)A34 English, Symmetrical
6. Timman vs N Alexandria0-1361971Goglidze MemorialA30 English, Symmetrical
7. N Alexandria vs M Litinskaya-Shul0-1321973URS-ch (Women)B31 Sicilian, Rossolimo Variation
8. N Alexandria vs M Litinskaya-Shul 1-0291973Moscow-ch (Women)C77 Ruy Lopez
9. N Alexandria vs M Litinskaya-Shul1-0721974Candidates sf (Women)B31 Sicilian, Rossolimo Variation
10. M Litinskaya-Shul vs N Alexandria 1-0561974Candidates sf (Women)E14 Queen's Indian
11. N Alexandria vs M Litinskaya-Shul 0-1201974Candidates sf (Women)C77 Ruy Lopez
12. M Litinskaya-Shul vs N Alexandria ½-½721974Candidates sf (Women)B05 Alekhine's Defense, Modern
13. M Litinskaya-Shul vs N Alexandria 0-1401974Candidates sf (Women)A22 English
14. N Alexandria vs M Litinskaya-Shul 1-0371974Candidates sf (Women)B51 Sicilian, Canal-Sokolsky (Rossolimo) Attack
15. N Alexandria vs M Litinskaya-Shul 1-0401974Candidates sf (Women)C43 Petrov, Modern Attack
16. M Litinskaya-Shul vs N Alexandria 0-1371974Candidates sf (Women)E14 Queen's Indian
17. N Alexandria vs Levitina 1-0341975Moscow cf (Women)B46 Sicilian, Taimanov Variation
18. N Alexandria vs Levitina 1-0361975Moscow cf (Women)B46 Sicilian, Taimanov Variation
19. N Alexandria vs N Gaprindashvili 0-1381975Wch (Women)B01 Scandinavian
20. Levitina vs N Alexandria 1-0401975Moscow cf (Women)B69 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack, 7...a6 Defense, 11.Bxf6
21. N Gaprindashvili vs N Alexandria 1-0581975Wch (Women)B44 Sicilian
22. N Alexandria vs Levitina 1-0611975Moscow cf (Women)B46 Sicilian, Taimanov Variation
23. Levitina vs N Alexandria ½-½241975Moscow cf (Women)C04 French, Tarrasch, Guimard Main line
24. N Alexandria vs Levitina ½-½411975Moscow cf (Women)C77 Ruy Lopez
25. N Alexandria vs N Gaprindashvili 1-0411975Wch (Women)B06 Robatsch

 page 1 of 7; games 1-25 of 171 
PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Alexandria wins | Alexandria loses  

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Kibitzer's Corner

Oct-13-06  BIDMONFA: Nana G Alexandria



Oct-13-09  redwhitechess:
Oct-13-09  Birthday Boy: Happy Birthday!!!Nana G Alexandria!!!

Premium Chessgames Member
  whiteshark: There a quite some more biographical details than in the bio above

Premium Chessgames Member
  Honza Cervenka: It is worth to mention that Nana Alexandria was a stable participant of Women WCh Candidates events since 1967 Candidates Tournament in Subotica to the 1988 Chaltubo Candidates Tournament. Only in the next WWCh cycle she failed to qualify herself from the 1990 Genting Interzonal Tournament. In between she managed to win two Interzonals as sole winner (Ohrid 1971 and Havana 1985, twice she was qualified directly as defeated Challenger from previous cycle) and once she was eliminated in the final match of Candidates tournament (by Alla Kusnir in 1971) and once she took the second place (Malmo 1986) only a half point behind the winner Elena Akhmilovskaya.

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