hook-length formula: “Fibonaccized” Part Ihook-length formula: “Fibonaccized”: Part IINekrasov-Okounkov hook length formulaInequality for hook numbers in Young diagramspartitions into odd parts vs hooks and symplectic contentsan identity for a sum over partitionshooks and contents: Part Ihooks and contents: Part IIPartitions, $q$-polynomials and generating functionsPartitions and $q$-integersA link between hooks, contents and parts of a partitionhook-length formula: “Fibonaccized”: Part II
hook-length formula: “Fibonaccized” Part I
hook-length formula: “Fibonaccized”: Part IINekrasov-Okounkov hook length formulaInequality for hook numbers in Young diagramspartitions into odd parts vs hooks and symplectic contentsan identity for a sum over partitionshooks and contents: Part Ihooks and contents: Part IIPartitions, $q$-polynomials and generating functionsPartitions and $q$-integersA link between hooks, contents and parts of a partitionhook-length formula: “Fibonaccized”: Part II
Consider the Young diagram of a partition $lambda = (lambda_1,ldots,lambda_k)$. For a square $(i,j) in lambda$, define the hook numbers $h_(i,j) = lambda_i + lambda_j' -i - j +1$ where $lambda'$ is the conjugate of $lambda$.
The hook-length formula shows, in particular, that if $lambdavdash n$ then
$$text$n!prod_square,in,lambdafrac1h_square$ qquad textis an integer.$$
Recall the Fibonacci numbers $F(0)=0, , F(1)=1$ with $F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2)$. Define $[0]!_F=1$ and $[n]!_F=F(1)cdot F(2)cdots F(n)$ for $ngeq1$.
QUESTION. Is it true that
$$text$[n]!_Fprod_square,in,lambdafrac1F(h_square)$ qquad textis an integer?$$
nt.number-theory co.combinatorics partitions algebraic-combinatorics
show 8 more comments
Consider the Young diagram of a partition $lambda = (lambda_1,ldots,lambda_k)$. For a square $(i,j) in lambda$, define the hook numbers $h_(i,j) = lambda_i + lambda_j' -i - j +1$ where $lambda'$ is the conjugate of $lambda$.
The hook-length formula shows, in particular, that if $lambdavdash n$ then
$$text$n!prod_square,in,lambdafrac1h_square$ qquad textis an integer.$$
Recall the Fibonacci numbers $F(0)=0, , F(1)=1$ with $F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2)$. Define $[0]!_F=1$ and $[n]!_F=F(1)cdot F(2)cdots F(n)$ for $ngeq1$.
QUESTION. Is it true that
$$text$[n]!_Fprod_square,in,lambdafrac1F(h_square)$ qquad textis an integer?$$
nt.number-theory co.combinatorics partitions algebraic-combinatorics
More generally, this interesting question can be asked of any strong divisibility sequence instead of the Fibonacci sequence. But let's perhaps not abuse the notation $Fleft(nright)!$ for something that's not the factorial of $Fleft(nright)$.
– darij grinberg
Apr 1 at 3:50
Maybe call it $F!(n)$ instead of $F(n)!$. How far has this been checked?
– Noam D. Elkies
2 days ago
Maybe this expression can be obtained by a clever substitution of the $q$-hook length formula?
– Sam Hopkins
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg what is a strong divisibility sequence? Product of any $k$ consecutive guys is divisibly by the product of first $k$ guys?
– Fedor Petrov
2 days ago
For searching purposes: the product of consecutive Fibonacci numbers is sometimes referred to as a fibonorial.
– J. M. is not a mathematician
2 days ago
show 8 more comments
Consider the Young diagram of a partition $lambda = (lambda_1,ldots,lambda_k)$. For a square $(i,j) in lambda$, define the hook numbers $h_(i,j) = lambda_i + lambda_j' -i - j +1$ where $lambda'$ is the conjugate of $lambda$.
The hook-length formula shows, in particular, that if $lambdavdash n$ then
$$text$n!prod_square,in,lambdafrac1h_square$ qquad textis an integer.$$
Recall the Fibonacci numbers $F(0)=0, , F(1)=1$ with $F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2)$. Define $[0]!_F=1$ and $[n]!_F=F(1)cdot F(2)cdots F(n)$ for $ngeq1$.
QUESTION. Is it true that
$$text$[n]!_Fprod_square,in,lambdafrac1F(h_square)$ qquad textis an integer?$$
nt.number-theory co.combinatorics partitions algebraic-combinatorics
Consider the Young diagram of a partition $lambda = (lambda_1,ldots,lambda_k)$. For a square $(i,j) in lambda$, define the hook numbers $h_(i,j) = lambda_i + lambda_j' -i - j +1$ where $lambda'$ is the conjugate of $lambda$.
The hook-length formula shows, in particular, that if $lambdavdash n$ then
$$text$n!prod_square,in,lambdafrac1h_square$ qquad textis an integer.$$
Recall the Fibonacci numbers $F(0)=0, , F(1)=1$ with $F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2)$. Define $[0]!_F=1$ and $[n]!_F=F(1)cdot F(2)cdots F(n)$ for $ngeq1$.
QUESTION. Is it true that
$$text$[n]!_Fprod_square,in,lambdafrac1F(h_square)$ qquad textis an integer?$$
nt.number-theory co.combinatorics partitions algebraic-combinatorics
nt.number-theory co.combinatorics partitions algebraic-combinatorics
edited 12 hours ago
T. Amdeberhan
asked Apr 1 at 3:42
T. AmdeberhanT. Amdeberhan
More generally, this interesting question can be asked of any strong divisibility sequence instead of the Fibonacci sequence. But let's perhaps not abuse the notation $Fleft(nright)!$ for something that's not the factorial of $Fleft(nright)$.
– darij grinberg
Apr 1 at 3:50
Maybe call it $F!(n)$ instead of $F(n)!$. How far has this been checked?
– Noam D. Elkies
2 days ago
Maybe this expression can be obtained by a clever substitution of the $q$-hook length formula?
– Sam Hopkins
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg what is a strong divisibility sequence? Product of any $k$ consecutive guys is divisibly by the product of first $k$ guys?
– Fedor Petrov
2 days ago
For searching purposes: the product of consecutive Fibonacci numbers is sometimes referred to as a fibonorial.
– J. M. is not a mathematician
2 days ago
show 8 more comments
More generally, this interesting question can be asked of any strong divisibility sequence instead of the Fibonacci sequence. But let's perhaps not abuse the notation $Fleft(nright)!$ for something that's not the factorial of $Fleft(nright)$.
– darij grinberg
Apr 1 at 3:50
Maybe call it $F!(n)$ instead of $F(n)!$. How far has this been checked?
– Noam D. Elkies
2 days ago
Maybe this expression can be obtained by a clever substitution of the $q$-hook length formula?
– Sam Hopkins
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg what is a strong divisibility sequence? Product of any $k$ consecutive guys is divisibly by the product of first $k$ guys?
– Fedor Petrov
2 days ago
For searching purposes: the product of consecutive Fibonacci numbers is sometimes referred to as a fibonorial.
– J. M. is not a mathematician
2 days ago
More generally, this interesting question can be asked of any strong divisibility sequence instead of the Fibonacci sequence. But let's perhaps not abuse the notation $Fleft(nright)!$ for something that's not the factorial of $Fleft(nright)$.
– darij grinberg
Apr 1 at 3:50
More generally, this interesting question can be asked of any strong divisibility sequence instead of the Fibonacci sequence. But let's perhaps not abuse the notation $Fleft(nright)!$ for something that's not the factorial of $Fleft(nright)$.
– darij grinberg
Apr 1 at 3:50
Maybe call it $F!(n)$ instead of $F(n)!$. How far has this been checked?
– Noam D. Elkies
2 days ago
Maybe call it $F!(n)$ instead of $F(n)!$. How far has this been checked?
– Noam D. Elkies
2 days ago
Maybe this expression can be obtained by a clever substitution of the $q$-hook length formula?
– Sam Hopkins
2 days ago
Maybe this expression can be obtained by a clever substitution of the $q$-hook length formula?
– Sam Hopkins
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg what is a strong divisibility sequence? Product of any $k$ consecutive guys is divisibly by the product of first $k$ guys?
– Fedor Petrov
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg what is a strong divisibility sequence? Product of any $k$ consecutive guys is divisibly by the product of first $k$ guys?
– Fedor Petrov
2 days ago
For searching purposes: the product of consecutive Fibonacci numbers is sometimes referred to as a fibonorial.
– J. M. is not a mathematician
2 days ago
For searching purposes: the product of consecutive Fibonacci numbers is sometimes referred to as a fibonorial.
– J. M. is not a mathematician
2 days ago
show 8 more comments
2 Answers
Sam is correct of course about $q$-hook formula. Below is a short self-contained proof not relying on such advanced combinatorics.
Denote $h_1>ldots>h_k$ the set of hook lengths of the first column of diagram $lambda$. Then the multiset of hooks is $cup_i=1^k 1,2,ldots,h_isetminus h_i-h_j:i<j$ and $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$.
Recall that $F(m)=P_m(alpha,beta)=prod_m,d>1Phi_d(alpha,beta)=prod_d (Phi_d(alpha,beta))^eta_d(m)$, where
$alpha,beta=(1pm sqrt5)/2$;
$Phi_d$ are homogeneous cyclotomic polynomials;
$eta_d(m)=chi_mathbbZ(m/d)$ (i.e., it equals to 1 if $d$ divides $m$, and to 0 otherwise).
Therefore it suffices to prove that for any fixed $d>1$ we have
sum_m=1^n eta_d(m)+sum_i<jeta_d(h_i-h_j)-sum_i=1^ksum_j=1^h_ieta_d(j)geqslant 0.quad (ast)
$(ast)$ rewrites as
[n/d]+|i<j:h_iequiv h_j pmod d|-sum_i=1^k [h_i/d]geqslant 0.quad (bullet)
LHS of $(bullet)$ does not change if we reduce all $h_i$'s modulo $d$ (and accordingly change $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$, of course), so we may suppose that $0leqslant h_ileqslant d-1$ for all $i$. For $a=0,1,dots, d-1$ denote $t_a=|i:h_i=a|$. Then $(bullet)$ rewrites as
left[frac-binomsum_i=0^d-1 t_i2+sum_i=0^d-1 it_idright]+
sum_i=0^d-1 binomt_i2geqslant 0. quad (star)
It remains to observe that LHS of $(star)$ equals to
left[frac1dsum_i<jbinomt_i-t_j2 right].
Nice. So what does this integer count?
– Brian Hopkins
2 days ago
Yes, that was my plan to ask next.
– T. Amdeberhan
2 days ago
@Fedor: what are $alpha$ and $beta$? What's the connection between $P_m$ and $eta_d$, etc?
– T. Amdeberhan
@T.Amdeberhan sorry, forgot to copy the notations from my previous Fibonacci answer. Hope now it is clear.
– Fedor Petrov
add a comment |
This is a less elementary but maybe more conceptual proof, also giving some combinatorial meaning:
Use the formulas
$F(n) = fracvarphi^n -psi^nsqrt5$, $varphi =frac1+sqrt52, psi = frac1-sqrt52$. Let $q=fracpsivarphi = fracsqrt5-32$, so that
$F(n) = fracvarphi^nsqrt5 (1-q^n)$
Then the Fibonacci hook-length formula becomes:
f^lambda_F:= frac[n]!_Fprod_uin lambdaF(h(u)) = frac varphi^ binomn+12 [n]!_q varphi^sum_u in lambda h(u) prod_u in lambda (1-q^h(u))
So we have an ordinary $q$-analogue of the hook-length formula. Note that
$$sum_u in lambda h(u) = sum_i binomlambda_i2 + binomlambda'_j2 + |lambda| = b(lambda) +b(lambda') +n$$
Using the $q-$analogue hook-length formula via major index (EC2, Chapter 21) we have
f^lambda_F = varphi^ binomn2 -b(lambda)-b(lambda') q^-b(lambda) sum_Tin SYT(lambda) q^maj(T) = (-q)^frac12( -binomn2 +b(lambda') -b(lambda))sum_T q^maj(T)
Now, it is clear from the q-HLF formula that $q^maj(T)$ is a symmetric polynomial, with lowest degree term $b(lambda)$ and maximal degree $b(lambda) + binomn+12 - n -b(lambda) -b(lambda') =binomn2 - b(lambda')$ so the median degree term is
$$M=frac12 left(b(lambda) +binomn2 - b(lambda')right)$$
which cancels with the factor of $q$ in $f^lambda_F$, so the resulting polynomial is of the form
f^lambda_F = (-1)^M sum_T: maj(T) leq M (q^M-maj(T) + q^maj(T)-M) \
= (-1)^M sum_T (-1)^M-maj(T)( varphi^2(M-maj(T)) + psi^2(M-maj(T)) =
sum_T (-1)^maj(T) L(2(M-maj(T)))
where $L$ are the Lucas numbers.
**byproduct of collaborations with A. Morales and I. Pak.
Nice, thank you. This would be even more fitting to the 2nd part of this question mathoverflow.net/questions/327015/… Therefore, do you like to post it there as well?
– T. Amdeberhan
11 hours ago
Thanks! I just pasted it there.
– Greta Panova
9 hours ago
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2 Answers
2 Answers
Sam is correct of course about $q$-hook formula. Below is a short self-contained proof not relying on such advanced combinatorics.
Denote $h_1>ldots>h_k$ the set of hook lengths of the first column of diagram $lambda$. Then the multiset of hooks is $cup_i=1^k 1,2,ldots,h_isetminus h_i-h_j:i<j$ and $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$.
Recall that $F(m)=P_m(alpha,beta)=prod_m,d>1Phi_d(alpha,beta)=prod_d (Phi_d(alpha,beta))^eta_d(m)$, where
$alpha,beta=(1pm sqrt5)/2$;
$Phi_d$ are homogeneous cyclotomic polynomials;
$eta_d(m)=chi_mathbbZ(m/d)$ (i.e., it equals to 1 if $d$ divides $m$, and to 0 otherwise).
Therefore it suffices to prove that for any fixed $d>1$ we have
sum_m=1^n eta_d(m)+sum_i<jeta_d(h_i-h_j)-sum_i=1^ksum_j=1^h_ieta_d(j)geqslant 0.quad (ast)
$(ast)$ rewrites as
[n/d]+|i<j:h_iequiv h_j pmod d|-sum_i=1^k [h_i/d]geqslant 0.quad (bullet)
LHS of $(bullet)$ does not change if we reduce all $h_i$'s modulo $d$ (and accordingly change $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$, of course), so we may suppose that $0leqslant h_ileqslant d-1$ for all $i$. For $a=0,1,dots, d-1$ denote $t_a=|i:h_i=a|$. Then $(bullet)$ rewrites as
left[frac-binomsum_i=0^d-1 t_i2+sum_i=0^d-1 it_idright]+
sum_i=0^d-1 binomt_i2geqslant 0. quad (star)
It remains to observe that LHS of $(star)$ equals to
left[frac1dsum_i<jbinomt_i-t_j2 right].
Nice. So what does this integer count?
– Brian Hopkins
2 days ago
Yes, that was my plan to ask next.
– T. Amdeberhan
2 days ago
@Fedor: what are $alpha$ and $beta$? What's the connection between $P_m$ and $eta_d$, etc?
– T. Amdeberhan
@T.Amdeberhan sorry, forgot to copy the notations from my previous Fibonacci answer. Hope now it is clear.
– Fedor Petrov
add a comment |
Sam is correct of course about $q$-hook formula. Below is a short self-contained proof not relying on such advanced combinatorics.
Denote $h_1>ldots>h_k$ the set of hook lengths of the first column of diagram $lambda$. Then the multiset of hooks is $cup_i=1^k 1,2,ldots,h_isetminus h_i-h_j:i<j$ and $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$.
Recall that $F(m)=P_m(alpha,beta)=prod_m,d>1Phi_d(alpha,beta)=prod_d (Phi_d(alpha,beta))^eta_d(m)$, where
$alpha,beta=(1pm sqrt5)/2$;
$Phi_d$ are homogeneous cyclotomic polynomials;
$eta_d(m)=chi_mathbbZ(m/d)$ (i.e., it equals to 1 if $d$ divides $m$, and to 0 otherwise).
Therefore it suffices to prove that for any fixed $d>1$ we have
sum_m=1^n eta_d(m)+sum_i<jeta_d(h_i-h_j)-sum_i=1^ksum_j=1^h_ieta_d(j)geqslant 0.quad (ast)
$(ast)$ rewrites as
[n/d]+|i<j:h_iequiv h_j pmod d|-sum_i=1^k [h_i/d]geqslant 0.quad (bullet)
LHS of $(bullet)$ does not change if we reduce all $h_i$'s modulo $d$ (and accordingly change $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$, of course), so we may suppose that $0leqslant h_ileqslant d-1$ for all $i$. For $a=0,1,dots, d-1$ denote $t_a=|i:h_i=a|$. Then $(bullet)$ rewrites as
left[frac-binomsum_i=0^d-1 t_i2+sum_i=0^d-1 it_idright]+
sum_i=0^d-1 binomt_i2geqslant 0. quad (star)
It remains to observe that LHS of $(star)$ equals to
left[frac1dsum_i<jbinomt_i-t_j2 right].
Nice. So what does this integer count?
– Brian Hopkins
2 days ago
Yes, that was my plan to ask next.
– T. Amdeberhan
2 days ago
@Fedor: what are $alpha$ and $beta$? What's the connection between $P_m$ and $eta_d$, etc?
– T. Amdeberhan
@T.Amdeberhan sorry, forgot to copy the notations from my previous Fibonacci answer. Hope now it is clear.
– Fedor Petrov
add a comment |
Sam is correct of course about $q$-hook formula. Below is a short self-contained proof not relying on such advanced combinatorics.
Denote $h_1>ldots>h_k$ the set of hook lengths of the first column of diagram $lambda$. Then the multiset of hooks is $cup_i=1^k 1,2,ldots,h_isetminus h_i-h_j:i<j$ and $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$.
Recall that $F(m)=P_m(alpha,beta)=prod_m,d>1Phi_d(alpha,beta)=prod_d (Phi_d(alpha,beta))^eta_d(m)$, where
$alpha,beta=(1pm sqrt5)/2$;
$Phi_d$ are homogeneous cyclotomic polynomials;
$eta_d(m)=chi_mathbbZ(m/d)$ (i.e., it equals to 1 if $d$ divides $m$, and to 0 otherwise).
Therefore it suffices to prove that for any fixed $d>1$ we have
sum_m=1^n eta_d(m)+sum_i<jeta_d(h_i-h_j)-sum_i=1^ksum_j=1^h_ieta_d(j)geqslant 0.quad (ast)
$(ast)$ rewrites as
[n/d]+|i<j:h_iequiv h_j pmod d|-sum_i=1^k [h_i/d]geqslant 0.quad (bullet)
LHS of $(bullet)$ does not change if we reduce all $h_i$'s modulo $d$ (and accordingly change $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$, of course), so we may suppose that $0leqslant h_ileqslant d-1$ for all $i$. For $a=0,1,dots, d-1$ denote $t_a=|i:h_i=a|$. Then $(bullet)$ rewrites as
left[frac-binomsum_i=0^d-1 t_i2+sum_i=0^d-1 it_idright]+
sum_i=0^d-1 binomt_i2geqslant 0. quad (star)
It remains to observe that LHS of $(star)$ equals to
left[frac1dsum_i<jbinomt_i-t_j2 right].
Sam is correct of course about $q$-hook formula. Below is a short self-contained proof not relying on such advanced combinatorics.
Denote $h_1>ldots>h_k$ the set of hook lengths of the first column of diagram $lambda$. Then the multiset of hooks is $cup_i=1^k 1,2,ldots,h_isetminus h_i-h_j:i<j$ and $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$.
Recall that $F(m)=P_m(alpha,beta)=prod_m,d>1Phi_d(alpha,beta)=prod_d (Phi_d(alpha,beta))^eta_d(m)$, where
$alpha,beta=(1pm sqrt5)/2$;
$Phi_d$ are homogeneous cyclotomic polynomials;
$eta_d(m)=chi_mathbbZ(m/d)$ (i.e., it equals to 1 if $d$ divides $m$, and to 0 otherwise).
Therefore it suffices to prove that for any fixed $d>1$ we have
sum_m=1^n eta_d(m)+sum_i<jeta_d(h_i-h_j)-sum_i=1^ksum_j=1^h_ieta_d(j)geqslant 0.quad (ast)
$(ast)$ rewrites as
[n/d]+|i<j:h_iequiv h_j pmod d|-sum_i=1^k [h_i/d]geqslant 0.quad (bullet)
LHS of $(bullet)$ does not change if we reduce all $h_i$'s modulo $d$ (and accordingly change $n=sum_i h_i-frack(k-1)2$, of course), so we may suppose that $0leqslant h_ileqslant d-1$ for all $i$. For $a=0,1,dots, d-1$ denote $t_a=|i:h_i=a|$. Then $(bullet)$ rewrites as
left[frac-binomsum_i=0^d-1 t_i2+sum_i=0^d-1 it_idright]+
sum_i=0^d-1 binomt_i2geqslant 0. quad (star)
It remains to observe that LHS of $(star)$ equals to
left[frac1dsum_i<jbinomt_i-t_j2 right].
edited yesterday
answered 2 days ago

Fedor PetrovFedor Petrov
Nice. So what does this integer count?
– Brian Hopkins
2 days ago
Yes, that was my plan to ask next.
– T. Amdeberhan
2 days ago
@Fedor: what are $alpha$ and $beta$? What's the connection between $P_m$ and $eta_d$, etc?
– T. Amdeberhan
@T.Amdeberhan sorry, forgot to copy the notations from my previous Fibonacci answer. Hope now it is clear.
– Fedor Petrov
add a comment |
Nice. So what does this integer count?
– Brian Hopkins
2 days ago
Yes, that was my plan to ask next.
– T. Amdeberhan
2 days ago
@Fedor: what are $alpha$ and $beta$? What's the connection between $P_m$ and $eta_d$, etc?
– T. Amdeberhan
@T.Amdeberhan sorry, forgot to copy the notations from my previous Fibonacci answer. Hope now it is clear.
– Fedor Petrov
Nice. So what does this integer count?
– Brian Hopkins
2 days ago
Nice. So what does this integer count?
– Brian Hopkins
2 days ago
Yes, that was my plan to ask next.
– T. Amdeberhan
2 days ago
Yes, that was my plan to ask next.
– T. Amdeberhan
2 days ago
@Fedor: what are $alpha$ and $beta$? What's the connection between $P_m$ and $eta_d$, etc?
– T. Amdeberhan
@Fedor: what are $alpha$ and $beta$? What's the connection between $P_m$ and $eta_d$, etc?
– T. Amdeberhan
@T.Amdeberhan sorry, forgot to copy the notations from my previous Fibonacci answer. Hope now it is clear.
– Fedor Petrov
@T.Amdeberhan sorry, forgot to copy the notations from my previous Fibonacci answer. Hope now it is clear.
– Fedor Petrov
add a comment |
This is a less elementary but maybe more conceptual proof, also giving some combinatorial meaning:
Use the formulas
$F(n) = fracvarphi^n -psi^nsqrt5$, $varphi =frac1+sqrt52, psi = frac1-sqrt52$. Let $q=fracpsivarphi = fracsqrt5-32$, so that
$F(n) = fracvarphi^nsqrt5 (1-q^n)$
Then the Fibonacci hook-length formula becomes:
f^lambda_F:= frac[n]!_Fprod_uin lambdaF(h(u)) = frac varphi^ binomn+12 [n]!_q varphi^sum_u in lambda h(u) prod_u in lambda (1-q^h(u))
So we have an ordinary $q$-analogue of the hook-length formula. Note that
$$sum_u in lambda h(u) = sum_i binomlambda_i2 + binomlambda'_j2 + |lambda| = b(lambda) +b(lambda') +n$$
Using the $q-$analogue hook-length formula via major index (EC2, Chapter 21) we have
f^lambda_F = varphi^ binomn2 -b(lambda)-b(lambda') q^-b(lambda) sum_Tin SYT(lambda) q^maj(T) = (-q)^frac12( -binomn2 +b(lambda') -b(lambda))sum_T q^maj(T)
Now, it is clear from the q-HLF formula that $q^maj(T)$ is a symmetric polynomial, with lowest degree term $b(lambda)$ and maximal degree $b(lambda) + binomn+12 - n -b(lambda) -b(lambda') =binomn2 - b(lambda')$ so the median degree term is
$$M=frac12 left(b(lambda) +binomn2 - b(lambda')right)$$
which cancels with the factor of $q$ in $f^lambda_F$, so the resulting polynomial is of the form
f^lambda_F = (-1)^M sum_T: maj(T) leq M (q^M-maj(T) + q^maj(T)-M) \
= (-1)^M sum_T (-1)^M-maj(T)( varphi^2(M-maj(T)) + psi^2(M-maj(T)) =
sum_T (-1)^maj(T) L(2(M-maj(T)))
where $L$ are the Lucas numbers.
**byproduct of collaborations with A. Morales and I. Pak.
Nice, thank you. This would be even more fitting to the 2nd part of this question mathoverflow.net/questions/327015/… Therefore, do you like to post it there as well?
– T. Amdeberhan
11 hours ago
Thanks! I just pasted it there.
– Greta Panova
9 hours ago
add a comment |
This is a less elementary but maybe more conceptual proof, also giving some combinatorial meaning:
Use the formulas
$F(n) = fracvarphi^n -psi^nsqrt5$, $varphi =frac1+sqrt52, psi = frac1-sqrt52$. Let $q=fracpsivarphi = fracsqrt5-32$, so that
$F(n) = fracvarphi^nsqrt5 (1-q^n)$
Then the Fibonacci hook-length formula becomes:
f^lambda_F:= frac[n]!_Fprod_uin lambdaF(h(u)) = frac varphi^ binomn+12 [n]!_q varphi^sum_u in lambda h(u) prod_u in lambda (1-q^h(u))
So we have an ordinary $q$-analogue of the hook-length formula. Note that
$$sum_u in lambda h(u) = sum_i binomlambda_i2 + binomlambda'_j2 + |lambda| = b(lambda) +b(lambda') +n$$
Using the $q-$analogue hook-length formula via major index (EC2, Chapter 21) we have
f^lambda_F = varphi^ binomn2 -b(lambda)-b(lambda') q^-b(lambda) sum_Tin SYT(lambda) q^maj(T) = (-q)^frac12( -binomn2 +b(lambda') -b(lambda))sum_T q^maj(T)
Now, it is clear from the q-HLF formula that $q^maj(T)$ is a symmetric polynomial, with lowest degree term $b(lambda)$ and maximal degree $b(lambda) + binomn+12 - n -b(lambda) -b(lambda') =binomn2 - b(lambda')$ so the median degree term is
$$M=frac12 left(b(lambda) +binomn2 - b(lambda')right)$$
which cancels with the factor of $q$ in $f^lambda_F$, so the resulting polynomial is of the form
f^lambda_F = (-1)^M sum_T: maj(T) leq M (q^M-maj(T) + q^maj(T)-M) \
= (-1)^M sum_T (-1)^M-maj(T)( varphi^2(M-maj(T)) + psi^2(M-maj(T)) =
sum_T (-1)^maj(T) L(2(M-maj(T)))
where $L$ are the Lucas numbers.
**byproduct of collaborations with A. Morales and I. Pak.
Nice, thank you. This would be even more fitting to the 2nd part of this question mathoverflow.net/questions/327015/… Therefore, do you like to post it there as well?
– T. Amdeberhan
11 hours ago
Thanks! I just pasted it there.
– Greta Panova
9 hours ago
add a comment |
This is a less elementary but maybe more conceptual proof, also giving some combinatorial meaning:
Use the formulas
$F(n) = fracvarphi^n -psi^nsqrt5$, $varphi =frac1+sqrt52, psi = frac1-sqrt52$. Let $q=fracpsivarphi = fracsqrt5-32$, so that
$F(n) = fracvarphi^nsqrt5 (1-q^n)$
Then the Fibonacci hook-length formula becomes:
f^lambda_F:= frac[n]!_Fprod_uin lambdaF(h(u)) = frac varphi^ binomn+12 [n]!_q varphi^sum_u in lambda h(u) prod_u in lambda (1-q^h(u))
So we have an ordinary $q$-analogue of the hook-length formula. Note that
$$sum_u in lambda h(u) = sum_i binomlambda_i2 + binomlambda'_j2 + |lambda| = b(lambda) +b(lambda') +n$$
Using the $q-$analogue hook-length formula via major index (EC2, Chapter 21) we have
f^lambda_F = varphi^ binomn2 -b(lambda)-b(lambda') q^-b(lambda) sum_Tin SYT(lambda) q^maj(T) = (-q)^frac12( -binomn2 +b(lambda') -b(lambda))sum_T q^maj(T)
Now, it is clear from the q-HLF formula that $q^maj(T)$ is a symmetric polynomial, with lowest degree term $b(lambda)$ and maximal degree $b(lambda) + binomn+12 - n -b(lambda) -b(lambda') =binomn2 - b(lambda')$ so the median degree term is
$$M=frac12 left(b(lambda) +binomn2 - b(lambda')right)$$
which cancels with the factor of $q$ in $f^lambda_F$, so the resulting polynomial is of the form
f^lambda_F = (-1)^M sum_T: maj(T) leq M (q^M-maj(T) + q^maj(T)-M) \
= (-1)^M sum_T (-1)^M-maj(T)( varphi^2(M-maj(T)) + psi^2(M-maj(T)) =
sum_T (-1)^maj(T) L(2(M-maj(T)))
where $L$ are the Lucas numbers.
**byproduct of collaborations with A. Morales and I. Pak.
This is a less elementary but maybe more conceptual proof, also giving some combinatorial meaning:
Use the formulas
$F(n) = fracvarphi^n -psi^nsqrt5$, $varphi =frac1+sqrt52, psi = frac1-sqrt52$. Let $q=fracpsivarphi = fracsqrt5-32$, so that
$F(n) = fracvarphi^nsqrt5 (1-q^n)$
Then the Fibonacci hook-length formula becomes:
f^lambda_F:= frac[n]!_Fprod_uin lambdaF(h(u)) = frac varphi^ binomn+12 [n]!_q varphi^sum_u in lambda h(u) prod_u in lambda (1-q^h(u))
So we have an ordinary $q$-analogue of the hook-length formula. Note that
$$sum_u in lambda h(u) = sum_i binomlambda_i2 + binomlambda'_j2 + |lambda| = b(lambda) +b(lambda') +n$$
Using the $q-$analogue hook-length formula via major index (EC2, Chapter 21) we have
f^lambda_F = varphi^ binomn2 -b(lambda)-b(lambda') q^-b(lambda) sum_Tin SYT(lambda) q^maj(T) = (-q)^frac12( -binomn2 +b(lambda') -b(lambda))sum_T q^maj(T)
Now, it is clear from the q-HLF formula that $q^maj(T)$ is a symmetric polynomial, with lowest degree term $b(lambda)$ and maximal degree $b(lambda) + binomn+12 - n -b(lambda) -b(lambda') =binomn2 - b(lambda')$ so the median degree term is
$$M=frac12 left(b(lambda) +binomn2 - b(lambda')right)$$
which cancels with the factor of $q$ in $f^lambda_F$, so the resulting polynomial is of the form
f^lambda_F = (-1)^M sum_T: maj(T) leq M (q^M-maj(T) + q^maj(T)-M) \
= (-1)^M sum_T (-1)^M-maj(T)( varphi^2(M-maj(T)) + psi^2(M-maj(T)) =
sum_T (-1)^maj(T) L(2(M-maj(T)))
where $L$ are the Lucas numbers.
**byproduct of collaborations with A. Morales and I. Pak.
edited 1 hour ago
darij grinberg
answered 21 hours ago
Greta PanovaGreta Panova
Nice, thank you. This would be even more fitting to the 2nd part of this question mathoverflow.net/questions/327015/… Therefore, do you like to post it there as well?
– T. Amdeberhan
11 hours ago
Thanks! I just pasted it there.
– Greta Panova
9 hours ago
add a comment |
Nice, thank you. This would be even more fitting to the 2nd part of this question mathoverflow.net/questions/327015/… Therefore, do you like to post it there as well?
– T. Amdeberhan
11 hours ago
Thanks! I just pasted it there.
– Greta Panova
9 hours ago
Nice, thank you. This would be even more fitting to the 2nd part of this question mathoverflow.net/questions/327015/… Therefore, do you like to post it there as well?
– T. Amdeberhan
11 hours ago
Nice, thank you. This would be even more fitting to the 2nd part of this question mathoverflow.net/questions/327015/… Therefore, do you like to post it there as well?
– T. Amdeberhan
11 hours ago
Thanks! I just pasted it there.
– Greta Panova
9 hours ago
Thanks! I just pasted it there.
– Greta Panova
9 hours ago
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More generally, this interesting question can be asked of any strong divisibility sequence instead of the Fibonacci sequence. But let's perhaps not abuse the notation $Fleft(nright)!$ for something that's not the factorial of $Fleft(nright)$.
– darij grinberg
Apr 1 at 3:50
Maybe call it $F!(n)$ instead of $F(n)!$. How far has this been checked?
– Noam D. Elkies
2 days ago
Maybe this expression can be obtained by a clever substitution of the $q$-hook length formula?
– Sam Hopkins
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg what is a strong divisibility sequence? Product of any $k$ consecutive guys is divisibly by the product of first $k$ guys?
– Fedor Petrov
2 days ago
For searching purposes: the product of consecutive Fibonacci numbers is sometimes referred to as a fibonorial.
– J. M. is not a mathematician
2 days ago