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Pohnpei IslandHistory of the Federated States of MicronesiaArchaeological sites in MicronesiaRuins in the Federated States of MicronesiaUnited States National Historic Landmarks outside the United StatesNational Register of Historic Places in the Federated States of MicronesiaUnited States National Historic Landmarks in OceaniaWorld Heritage Sites in the Federated States of Micronesia

Category:Nan Madol

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This is a category about a place or building that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places in the United States of America. Its reference number is

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Nan Madol 

ruined city of Federated States of Micronesesia

Nan madol.jpg

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Instance of ruins,
archaeological site
LocationMadolenihmw, Pohnpei State, FM
Heritage designation
  • place listed on the National Register of Historic Places (19 December 1974, NRHP district)

  • National Historic Landmark (16 September 1985)

  • UNESCO World Heritage Site (2016)

Significant event

  • list of World Heritage in Danger (2016)
  • 76.7 ha
official website

6° 50′ 30.84″ N, 158° 19′ 55.92″ E

  • OpenStreetMap

  • Google Earth

  • Proximityrama

Authority control

Wikidata Q846967
VIAF ID: 309601375
GND ID: 1052730914
Library of Congress authority ID: sh2014100290
NRHP reference number: 74002226
World Heritage Site ID: 1503

  • Reasonator

  • Scholia

  • Statistics

  • WikiShootMe

Blue pencil.svg
Nan Madol (es); 南瑪都 (yue); Nan Madol (hu); Nan Madol (ca); Nan Madol (de); Нан-Мадол (be); نان مدال (fa); Нан Мадол (bg); Nan Madol (ro); نان ماڈول (ur); Nan Madol (sv); נן מדול (he); 南馬都爾 (zh-hant); Nan Madol (fi); Nan Madol (cs); Nan Madol (it); Nan Madol (fr); Nan Madol (hr); 난 마돌 (ko); 南马都尔 (zh-hans); Nan Madol (gl); Nan Madol (vi); Nan Madol (pt); Nan Madol (nan); ナン・マトール (ja); Nan Madolis (lt); Nan Madol (sl); 南馬都爾 (zh); ნან-მადოლი (ka); Nan Madol (tr); Nan Madol (war); Nan Madol (pl); Nan Madol (nb); Nan Madol (nl); Nan Madol (id); 南馬都爾 (zh-hk); Nan Madol - Saudeleur Dynasty HQ 1200+ (ceb); Нан-Мадол (ru); Nan Madol (en); Нан Мадол (sr); Ναν Μαντόλ (el); Нан Мадол (uk) Ciudad en ruinas de Micronesia (es); ville en ruine des États fédérés de Micronésie (fr); ruined city of Federated States of Micronesesia (en); Ruinenstadt vor Temwen Island im Archipel der Karolinen (de); ruïne in Micronesia, Verenigde Staten van Amerika (nl) Нан Мадол, Тихоокеанская Венеция (ru); ナンマドール, ナン・マドール, ナンマトール, ナンマトル, ナン・マトル (ja); 난마돌, 난 마톨 (ko); 南瑪都爾 (zh); Нан-Мадол (uk)

Media in category "Nan Madol"

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