Can I cast Thunderwave and be at the center of its bottom face, but not be affected by it?Is Thunderwave centered on the caster?Spell Area of Effect RangeIs there a difference between cube areas-of-effect with Self or 5-feet ranges?Can a spell with a Cylinder area of effect have its point of origin higher than the listed height?Can you choose not to affect yourself with area of effect spells?What qualifies for the target of a spell?Range of dispel magic greater when used as area dispelWhat area does the Hallow spell actually cover?Can a cylinder-shaped spell be cast on air?Aiming a spell: GreaseHow does orienting a cube-shaped spell work in three-dimensional space?Does a persistent spell effect cast on a moving platform move with the platform, or is it fixed in space?Is there a difference between cube areas-of-effect with Self or 5-feet ranges?
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Can I cast Thunderwave and be at the center of its bottom face, but not be affected by it?
Is Thunderwave centered on the caster?Spell Area of Effect RangeIs there a difference between cube areas-of-effect with Self or 5-feet ranges?Can a spell with a Cylinder area of effect have its point of origin higher than the listed height?Can you choose not to affect yourself with area of effect spells?What qualifies for the target of a spell?Range of dispel magic greater when used as area dispelWhat area does the Hallow spell actually cover?Can a cylinder-shaped spell be cast on air?Aiming a spell: GreaseHow does orienting a cube-shaped spell work in three-dimensional space?Does a persistent spell effect cast on a moving platform move with the platform, or is it fixed in space?Is there a difference between cube areas-of-effect with Self or 5-feet ranges?
.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;
Questions like this and this show that you cast Thunderwave as a cube, and you (the point of origin) stand at one of the cube's faces. From the PHB (emphasis mine):
You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. [...] A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
- I'm on the ground
- I cast ThunderWave at ground level
- I choose to be at the center of the cube's bottom face
Can I choose not to be affected by the spell's area of effect?
So I could potentially explode and push 8 creatures away from me, without damaging myself.
dnd-5e spells area-of-effect
add a comment |
Questions like this and this show that you cast Thunderwave as a cube, and you (the point of origin) stand at one of the cube's faces. From the PHB (emphasis mine):
You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. [...] A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
- I'm on the ground
- I cast ThunderWave at ground level
- I choose to be at the center of the cube's bottom face
Can I choose not to be affected by the spell's area of effect?
So I could potentially explode and push 8 creatures away from me, without damaging myself.
dnd-5e spells area-of-effect
You should clarify whether you want to affect "adjacent" creatures that are "on the ground". The question in the title, and the bolded section, seem like a different question to the bolded section.
– Andrzej Doyle
Apr 1 at 16:56
@AndrzejDoyle Edited and added images for clarity
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
add a comment |
Questions like this and this show that you cast Thunderwave as a cube, and you (the point of origin) stand at one of the cube's faces. From the PHB (emphasis mine):
You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. [...] A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
- I'm on the ground
- I cast ThunderWave at ground level
- I choose to be at the center of the cube's bottom face
Can I choose not to be affected by the spell's area of effect?
So I could potentially explode and push 8 creatures away from me, without damaging myself.
dnd-5e spells area-of-effect
Questions like this and this show that you cast Thunderwave as a cube, and you (the point of origin) stand at one of the cube's faces. From the PHB (emphasis mine):
You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. [...] A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
- I'm on the ground
- I cast ThunderWave at ground level
- I choose to be at the center of the cube's bottom face
Can I choose not to be affected by the spell's area of effect?
So I could potentially explode and push 8 creatures away from me, without damaging myself.
dnd-5e spells area-of-effect
dnd-5e spells area-of-effect
edited 2 days ago
asked Apr 1 at 12:35

You should clarify whether you want to affect "adjacent" creatures that are "on the ground". The question in the title, and the bolded section, seem like a different question to the bolded section.
– Andrzej Doyle
Apr 1 at 16:56
@AndrzejDoyle Edited and added images for clarity
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
add a comment |
You should clarify whether you want to affect "adjacent" creatures that are "on the ground". The question in the title, and the bolded section, seem like a different question to the bolded section.
– Andrzej Doyle
Apr 1 at 16:56
@AndrzejDoyle Edited and added images for clarity
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
You should clarify whether you want to affect "adjacent" creatures that are "on the ground". The question in the title, and the bolded section, seem like a different question to the bolded section.
– Andrzej Doyle
Apr 1 at 16:56
You should clarify whether you want to affect "adjacent" creatures that are "on the ground". The question in the title, and the bolded section, seem like a different question to the bolded section.
– Andrzej Doyle
Apr 1 at 16:56
@AndrzejDoyle Edited and added images for clarity
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
@AndrzejDoyle Edited and added images for clarity
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
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5 Answers
Unfortunately, no (with one possible exception).
Although this isn't the place to say perhaps, I think I have a slight contention with the answers to the related questions on whether the caster including themselves in the area of effect, is completely inside the area in the way portrayed. I see this more as just the point of origin affecting the caster (as it says) but not that the entire area of effect has shifted.
Typically this would be so the caster can affect himself with a beneficial effect, which is likely the intention. In other words, the area of effect projects out in front (see the diagram below), but the caster, right on the point of origin, can be affected or not.
Even accepting the ruling given on the previous question, your scenario would only possibly work against larger creatures.
Either you are in the area and hence affected by the spell.
Or you are not, which would mean the only way you could be in the center square of a cubic area of effect, yet not affected, would be if the cube was above you (or below you if you were somehow flying?). In this case a DM may rule it would only affect creatures that are taller than you, and tall enough to be affected by the blast that has just gone off above your head.
Nahyn Oklauq points out that it would be possible to lie down and cast Thunderwave from the ground, hence affecting same-sized creatures. This is playing a bit fast and loose with the rules (which are really geared towards a 2D map rather than these kind of 3D shenanigans), so would probably be DM fiat as to whether he would allow it.
For your "Nevertheless", I would add another case : if the caster is prone (or go prone on purpose) and cast it from the ground, Medium and even Small creatures could be in the area. But that's only if the GM is okay with a bit of "tactical 3D combat" trickery
– Nahyn Oklauq
Apr 1 at 15:15
This would only work with GM Fiat ("because it makes sense"); you are not any lower (on a grid system) when prone than you would be standing. You still occupy the same 5ftx5ftx5ft 'box' and your range is unchanged.
– Ifusaso
Apr 1 at 17:10
I've edited the answer a bit (mostly grammar and style). Please revise. I think I will accept this, it was the most helpful for me, even if it didn't have the most upvotes
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
Yes, that's fine. And totally accept Ifusaso's comment that the "lying prone" scenario would only work if the DM ignores the grid system (and this is really starting to drift from the intention of the spell IMHO)
2 days ago
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Yes, assuming you are casting Thunderwave straight up
The spell states:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you...
And as you quoted from the PHB:
You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
Together we can deduce that you (the caster) are the point of origin (from the spell), and the point of origin needs to be a point on a face of the cube (from the spellcasting section), and you can choose to include the point of origin in the spells effect or not (also from the spellcasting section).
Subject to your DMs philosophies on grid-maps, you can orient the 15ft cube of the spell in any direction you want, including straight up or down. If you choose the point of origin to be in the centre of a face (of the cube) creatures directly beside you (on the plane) would be inside the area of the effect and thus be subject to making the saving throw. Directing the cube to fill the 15ft of the air above you would catch creatures on your level and above, pushing them "10 feet away from you", as per the spell.
Out of the box thinking to address a box-of-thunderwave going off above you. 3D FTW! Nice answer. Death to Stirges and Bats!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:24
Would it really catch creatures on your level? Or just creatures above you? I guess it depends on whether the "point of origin" is defined to be a specific point (e.g. your fingertip) or the entire 5-foot cube that you occupy.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:16
I guess you could fall prone, cast the spell, then stand back up.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:23
I didn't understand how I can cast the cube above me, and creatures next to me on the ground are also affected. Can you clarify?
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
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No, and No
Firstly, thunderwave only specifies that it harms creatures in its area of effect (no other creatures):
Each creature in a 15-foot cube [...]
If you were to be in its area, then you would be subject to damage (and presumably the push effect). However and secondly, thunderwave repeatedly used the word from:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you.
Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw.
(emphasis mine) This indicates that the cube must be pointed away from you, and so you can't put yourself into its area of effect.
If you're at the center, the cube can still originate from you, similar to a spherical explosion, don't you agree? Anyhow, I think you should make an answer with your argument on the questions I've linked, and narrow this answer to my question
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 13:29
Except as you state in the question you are at its face, so for you (the point of origin) to be at its bottom face, the spell effect would be above you, and so only affect creatures that occupied more vertical space.
– Someone_Evil
Apr 1 at 13:33
Ah, you argue that I (the point of origin) must be outside the cube. I don't agree, but I understand your answer now
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 14:08
(Edit was for some prose/usage corrections. Nicely reasoned answer. +1 ) :)
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:23
Could "from" not mean "source?" That is, from the caster instead of originating from a point she can see in 30'? In this sense, couldn't the caster have the cube emanate (say) centered on/from her big toe upward?
– Rykara
Apr 1 at 18:55
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Yes, if you are a Storm Sorcerer at 18th level.
Wind Soul
At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
If you are a sixth level Storm Sorcerer, you have resistance to your own damage.
Heart of the Storm
At 6th level, you gain Resistance to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
You can maybe do it from the Top Face as a First Level Storm Sorcerer
Tempestuous Magic
Starting at 1st level, you can use a Bonus Action on Your Turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you Cast a Spell of 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly up to 10 feet without provoking Opportunity Attacks. (XGtE)
This would work better when standing on a bridge or a ledge than on a hard floor.
But if, as you noted in comments, you are playing a wizard ...
Yes1 - if you are a Wizard(Evoker) of 2d level or higher.
The sculpt spells feature allows you to do this if you are a wizard of the evocation school.
Sculpt Spells
Beginning at 2nd level, you can create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocation spells. When you cast an evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save. (Basic Rules, p. 34)
You can see yourself, so you can include yourself in the protected zone.
On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10
feet away from you.
As I don't see a way to push yourself away from yourself, the caster would not be subject to the pushing effect in this case.
@illustro points out that this interpretation may not fit RAW as strictly as possible, since "other" generally doesn't include one's self. While I think it fits - we can call that a RAF view of this feature - a given DM may take illustro's point on a strict reading of the rules and not allow sculpt spells to apply.
(FWIW, this did come up in a game where I was DM, and since the Wizard was an evoker, I allowed it since it makes sense to me. I can see the other ruling as well).
Rulings and Rules ...
Mike Mearls (one of the devs) is of the opinion that you can save yourself, but I have not found Jeremy Crawford's take on that question - his rulings are more authoritative than Mike's. Sculpt spells is not addressed in the most recent Sage Advice Compendium (version 2.3), nor in the PHB errata.
The Sculpt Spell ability only enables you to make other creatures save automatically, not yourself unfortunately. Though as a DM and RaF I'd allow it!
– illustro
Apr 1 at 14:55
@illustro I'll add your point as a caveat, thanks!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 14:56
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You can definitely include yourself
It is right in your cited explanation of cube range:
A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
That is akin to putting yourself in the range of the spell. Even if this were not the case, you could still have the origin outside the range, and have yourself in it.
You might be able to avoid damage, if and only if you are an Evocation Wizard
Evocation wizards can sculpt spells to avoid hitting allies. However, whether you can do this is subject to interpretation:
Sculpt Spells
... that affects other creatures you can see ...
(emphasis mine)
It is up to you and your DM whether other refers to non-target creatures or not yourself, but I believe it is the former.
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5 Answers
5 Answers
Unfortunately, no (with one possible exception).
Although this isn't the place to say perhaps, I think I have a slight contention with the answers to the related questions on whether the caster including themselves in the area of effect, is completely inside the area in the way portrayed. I see this more as just the point of origin affecting the caster (as it says) but not that the entire area of effect has shifted.
Typically this would be so the caster can affect himself with a beneficial effect, which is likely the intention. In other words, the area of effect projects out in front (see the diagram below), but the caster, right on the point of origin, can be affected or not.
Even accepting the ruling given on the previous question, your scenario would only possibly work against larger creatures.
Either you are in the area and hence affected by the spell.
Or you are not, which would mean the only way you could be in the center square of a cubic area of effect, yet not affected, would be if the cube was above you (or below you if you were somehow flying?). In this case a DM may rule it would only affect creatures that are taller than you, and tall enough to be affected by the blast that has just gone off above your head.
Nahyn Oklauq points out that it would be possible to lie down and cast Thunderwave from the ground, hence affecting same-sized creatures. This is playing a bit fast and loose with the rules (which are really geared towards a 2D map rather than these kind of 3D shenanigans), so would probably be DM fiat as to whether he would allow it.
For your "Nevertheless", I would add another case : if the caster is prone (or go prone on purpose) and cast it from the ground, Medium and even Small creatures could be in the area. But that's only if the GM is okay with a bit of "tactical 3D combat" trickery
– Nahyn Oklauq
Apr 1 at 15:15
This would only work with GM Fiat ("because it makes sense"); you are not any lower (on a grid system) when prone than you would be standing. You still occupy the same 5ftx5ftx5ft 'box' and your range is unchanged.
– Ifusaso
Apr 1 at 17:10
I've edited the answer a bit (mostly grammar and style). Please revise. I think I will accept this, it was the most helpful for me, even if it didn't have the most upvotes
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
Yes, that's fine. And totally accept Ifusaso's comment that the "lying prone" scenario would only work if the DM ignores the grid system (and this is really starting to drift from the intention of the spell IMHO)
2 days ago
add a comment |
Unfortunately, no (with one possible exception).
Although this isn't the place to say perhaps, I think I have a slight contention with the answers to the related questions on whether the caster including themselves in the area of effect, is completely inside the area in the way portrayed. I see this more as just the point of origin affecting the caster (as it says) but not that the entire area of effect has shifted.
Typically this would be so the caster can affect himself with a beneficial effect, which is likely the intention. In other words, the area of effect projects out in front (see the diagram below), but the caster, right on the point of origin, can be affected or not.
Even accepting the ruling given on the previous question, your scenario would only possibly work against larger creatures.
Either you are in the area and hence affected by the spell.
Or you are not, which would mean the only way you could be in the center square of a cubic area of effect, yet not affected, would be if the cube was above you (or below you if you were somehow flying?). In this case a DM may rule it would only affect creatures that are taller than you, and tall enough to be affected by the blast that has just gone off above your head.
Nahyn Oklauq points out that it would be possible to lie down and cast Thunderwave from the ground, hence affecting same-sized creatures. This is playing a bit fast and loose with the rules (which are really geared towards a 2D map rather than these kind of 3D shenanigans), so would probably be DM fiat as to whether he would allow it.
For your "Nevertheless", I would add another case : if the caster is prone (or go prone on purpose) and cast it from the ground, Medium and even Small creatures could be in the area. But that's only if the GM is okay with a bit of "tactical 3D combat" trickery
– Nahyn Oklauq
Apr 1 at 15:15
This would only work with GM Fiat ("because it makes sense"); you are not any lower (on a grid system) when prone than you would be standing. You still occupy the same 5ftx5ftx5ft 'box' and your range is unchanged.
– Ifusaso
Apr 1 at 17:10
I've edited the answer a bit (mostly grammar and style). Please revise. I think I will accept this, it was the most helpful for me, even if it didn't have the most upvotes
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
Yes, that's fine. And totally accept Ifusaso's comment that the "lying prone" scenario would only work if the DM ignores the grid system (and this is really starting to drift from the intention of the spell IMHO)
2 days ago
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Unfortunately, no (with one possible exception).
Although this isn't the place to say perhaps, I think I have a slight contention with the answers to the related questions on whether the caster including themselves in the area of effect, is completely inside the area in the way portrayed. I see this more as just the point of origin affecting the caster (as it says) but not that the entire area of effect has shifted.
Typically this would be so the caster can affect himself with a beneficial effect, which is likely the intention. In other words, the area of effect projects out in front (see the diagram below), but the caster, right on the point of origin, can be affected or not.
Even accepting the ruling given on the previous question, your scenario would only possibly work against larger creatures.
Either you are in the area and hence affected by the spell.
Or you are not, which would mean the only way you could be in the center square of a cubic area of effect, yet not affected, would be if the cube was above you (or below you if you were somehow flying?). In this case a DM may rule it would only affect creatures that are taller than you, and tall enough to be affected by the blast that has just gone off above your head.
Nahyn Oklauq points out that it would be possible to lie down and cast Thunderwave from the ground, hence affecting same-sized creatures. This is playing a bit fast and loose with the rules (which are really geared towards a 2D map rather than these kind of 3D shenanigans), so would probably be DM fiat as to whether he would allow it.
Unfortunately, no (with one possible exception).
Although this isn't the place to say perhaps, I think I have a slight contention with the answers to the related questions on whether the caster including themselves in the area of effect, is completely inside the area in the way portrayed. I see this more as just the point of origin affecting the caster (as it says) but not that the entire area of effect has shifted.
Typically this would be so the caster can affect himself with a beneficial effect, which is likely the intention. In other words, the area of effect projects out in front (see the diagram below), but the caster, right on the point of origin, can be affected or not.
Even accepting the ruling given on the previous question, your scenario would only possibly work against larger creatures.
Either you are in the area and hence affected by the spell.
Or you are not, which would mean the only way you could be in the center square of a cubic area of effect, yet not affected, would be if the cube was above you (or below you if you were somehow flying?). In this case a DM may rule it would only affect creatures that are taller than you, and tall enough to be affected by the blast that has just gone off above your head.
Nahyn Oklauq points out that it would be possible to lie down and cast Thunderwave from the ground, hence affecting same-sized creatures. This is playing a bit fast and loose with the rules (which are really geared towards a 2D map rather than these kind of 3D shenanigans), so would probably be DM fiat as to whether he would allow it.
edited 2 days ago

answered Apr 1 at 13:22

For your "Nevertheless", I would add another case : if the caster is prone (or go prone on purpose) and cast it from the ground, Medium and even Small creatures could be in the area. But that's only if the GM is okay with a bit of "tactical 3D combat" trickery
– Nahyn Oklauq
Apr 1 at 15:15
This would only work with GM Fiat ("because it makes sense"); you are not any lower (on a grid system) when prone than you would be standing. You still occupy the same 5ftx5ftx5ft 'box' and your range is unchanged.
– Ifusaso
Apr 1 at 17:10
I've edited the answer a bit (mostly grammar and style). Please revise. I think I will accept this, it was the most helpful for me, even if it didn't have the most upvotes
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
Yes, that's fine. And totally accept Ifusaso's comment that the "lying prone" scenario would only work if the DM ignores the grid system (and this is really starting to drift from the intention of the spell IMHO)
2 days ago
add a comment |
For your "Nevertheless", I would add another case : if the caster is prone (or go prone on purpose) and cast it from the ground, Medium and even Small creatures could be in the area. But that's only if the GM is okay with a bit of "tactical 3D combat" trickery
– Nahyn Oklauq
Apr 1 at 15:15
This would only work with GM Fiat ("because it makes sense"); you are not any lower (on a grid system) when prone than you would be standing. You still occupy the same 5ftx5ftx5ft 'box' and your range is unchanged.
– Ifusaso
Apr 1 at 17:10
I've edited the answer a bit (mostly grammar and style). Please revise. I think I will accept this, it was the most helpful for me, even if it didn't have the most upvotes
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
Yes, that's fine. And totally accept Ifusaso's comment that the "lying prone" scenario would only work if the DM ignores the grid system (and this is really starting to drift from the intention of the spell IMHO)
2 days ago
For your "Nevertheless", I would add another case : if the caster is prone (or go prone on purpose) and cast it from the ground, Medium and even Small creatures could be in the area. But that's only if the GM is okay with a bit of "tactical 3D combat" trickery
– Nahyn Oklauq
Apr 1 at 15:15
For your "Nevertheless", I would add another case : if the caster is prone (or go prone on purpose) and cast it from the ground, Medium and even Small creatures could be in the area. But that's only if the GM is okay with a bit of "tactical 3D combat" trickery
– Nahyn Oklauq
Apr 1 at 15:15
This would only work with GM Fiat ("because it makes sense"); you are not any lower (on a grid system) when prone than you would be standing. You still occupy the same 5ftx5ftx5ft 'box' and your range is unchanged.
– Ifusaso
Apr 1 at 17:10
This would only work with GM Fiat ("because it makes sense"); you are not any lower (on a grid system) when prone than you would be standing. You still occupy the same 5ftx5ftx5ft 'box' and your range is unchanged.
– Ifusaso
Apr 1 at 17:10
I've edited the answer a bit (mostly grammar and style). Please revise. I think I will accept this, it was the most helpful for me, even if it didn't have the most upvotes
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
I've edited the answer a bit (mostly grammar and style). Please revise. I think I will accept this, it was the most helpful for me, even if it didn't have the most upvotes
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
Yes, that's fine. And totally accept Ifusaso's comment that the "lying prone" scenario would only work if the DM ignores the grid system (and this is really starting to drift from the intention of the spell IMHO)
2 days ago
Yes, that's fine. And totally accept Ifusaso's comment that the "lying prone" scenario would only work if the DM ignores the grid system (and this is really starting to drift from the intention of the spell IMHO)
2 days ago
add a comment |
Yes, assuming you are casting Thunderwave straight up
The spell states:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you...
And as you quoted from the PHB:
You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
Together we can deduce that you (the caster) are the point of origin (from the spell), and the point of origin needs to be a point on a face of the cube (from the spellcasting section), and you can choose to include the point of origin in the spells effect or not (also from the spellcasting section).
Subject to your DMs philosophies on grid-maps, you can orient the 15ft cube of the spell in any direction you want, including straight up or down. If you choose the point of origin to be in the centre of a face (of the cube) creatures directly beside you (on the plane) would be inside the area of the effect and thus be subject to making the saving throw. Directing the cube to fill the 15ft of the air above you would catch creatures on your level and above, pushing them "10 feet away from you", as per the spell.
Out of the box thinking to address a box-of-thunderwave going off above you. 3D FTW! Nice answer. Death to Stirges and Bats!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:24
Would it really catch creatures on your level? Or just creatures above you? I guess it depends on whether the "point of origin" is defined to be a specific point (e.g. your fingertip) or the entire 5-foot cube that you occupy.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:16
I guess you could fall prone, cast the spell, then stand back up.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:23
I didn't understand how I can cast the cube above me, and creatures next to me on the ground are also affected. Can you clarify?
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
add a comment |
Yes, assuming you are casting Thunderwave straight up
The spell states:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you...
And as you quoted from the PHB:
You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
Together we can deduce that you (the caster) are the point of origin (from the spell), and the point of origin needs to be a point on a face of the cube (from the spellcasting section), and you can choose to include the point of origin in the spells effect or not (also from the spellcasting section).
Subject to your DMs philosophies on grid-maps, you can orient the 15ft cube of the spell in any direction you want, including straight up or down. If you choose the point of origin to be in the centre of a face (of the cube) creatures directly beside you (on the plane) would be inside the area of the effect and thus be subject to making the saving throw. Directing the cube to fill the 15ft of the air above you would catch creatures on your level and above, pushing them "10 feet away from you", as per the spell.
Out of the box thinking to address a box-of-thunderwave going off above you. 3D FTW! Nice answer. Death to Stirges and Bats!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:24
Would it really catch creatures on your level? Or just creatures above you? I guess it depends on whether the "point of origin" is defined to be a specific point (e.g. your fingertip) or the entire 5-foot cube that you occupy.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:16
I guess you could fall prone, cast the spell, then stand back up.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:23
I didn't understand how I can cast the cube above me, and creatures next to me on the ground are also affected. Can you clarify?
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
add a comment |
Yes, assuming you are casting Thunderwave straight up
The spell states:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you...
And as you quoted from the PHB:
You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
Together we can deduce that you (the caster) are the point of origin (from the spell), and the point of origin needs to be a point on a face of the cube (from the spellcasting section), and you can choose to include the point of origin in the spells effect or not (also from the spellcasting section).
Subject to your DMs philosophies on grid-maps, you can orient the 15ft cube of the spell in any direction you want, including straight up or down. If you choose the point of origin to be in the centre of a face (of the cube) creatures directly beside you (on the plane) would be inside the area of the effect and thus be subject to making the saving throw. Directing the cube to fill the 15ft of the air above you would catch creatures on your level and above, pushing them "10 feet away from you", as per the spell.
Yes, assuming you are casting Thunderwave straight up
The spell states:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you...
And as you quoted from the PHB:
You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
Together we can deduce that you (the caster) are the point of origin (from the spell), and the point of origin needs to be a point on a face of the cube (from the spellcasting section), and you can choose to include the point of origin in the spells effect or not (also from the spellcasting section).
Subject to your DMs philosophies on grid-maps, you can orient the 15ft cube of the spell in any direction you want, including straight up or down. If you choose the point of origin to be in the centre of a face (of the cube) creatures directly beside you (on the plane) would be inside the area of the effect and thus be subject to making the saving throw. Directing the cube to fill the 15ft of the air above you would catch creatures on your level and above, pushing them "10 feet away from you", as per the spell.
answered Apr 1 at 15:21
Out of the box thinking to address a box-of-thunderwave going off above you. 3D FTW! Nice answer. Death to Stirges and Bats!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:24
Would it really catch creatures on your level? Or just creatures above you? I guess it depends on whether the "point of origin" is defined to be a specific point (e.g. your fingertip) or the entire 5-foot cube that you occupy.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:16
I guess you could fall prone, cast the spell, then stand back up.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:23
I didn't understand how I can cast the cube above me, and creatures next to me on the ground are also affected. Can you clarify?
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
add a comment |
Out of the box thinking to address a box-of-thunderwave going off above you. 3D FTW! Nice answer. Death to Stirges and Bats!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:24
Would it really catch creatures on your level? Or just creatures above you? I guess it depends on whether the "point of origin" is defined to be a specific point (e.g. your fingertip) or the entire 5-foot cube that you occupy.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:16
I guess you could fall prone, cast the spell, then stand back up.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:23
I didn't understand how I can cast the cube above me, and creatures next to me on the ground are also affected. Can you clarify?
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
Out of the box thinking to address a box-of-thunderwave going off above you. 3D FTW! Nice answer. Death to Stirges and Bats!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:24
Out of the box thinking to address a box-of-thunderwave going off above you. 3D FTW! Nice answer. Death to Stirges and Bats!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:24
Would it really catch creatures on your level? Or just creatures above you? I guess it depends on whether the "point of origin" is defined to be a specific point (e.g. your fingertip) or the entire 5-foot cube that you occupy.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:16
Would it really catch creatures on your level? Or just creatures above you? I guess it depends on whether the "point of origin" is defined to be a specific point (e.g. your fingertip) or the entire 5-foot cube that you occupy.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:16
I guess you could fall prone, cast the spell, then stand back up.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:23
I guess you could fall prone, cast the spell, then stand back up.
– Ryan Thompson
Apr 1 at 17:23
I didn't understand how I can cast the cube above me, and creatures next to me on the ground are also affected. Can you clarify?
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
I didn't understand how I can cast the cube above me, and creatures next to me on the ground are also affected. Can you clarify?
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago
add a comment |
No, and No
Firstly, thunderwave only specifies that it harms creatures in its area of effect (no other creatures):
Each creature in a 15-foot cube [...]
If you were to be in its area, then you would be subject to damage (and presumably the push effect). However and secondly, thunderwave repeatedly used the word from:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you.
Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw.
(emphasis mine) This indicates that the cube must be pointed away from you, and so you can't put yourself into its area of effect.
If you're at the center, the cube can still originate from you, similar to a spherical explosion, don't you agree? Anyhow, I think you should make an answer with your argument on the questions I've linked, and narrow this answer to my question
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 13:29
Except as you state in the question you are at its face, so for you (the point of origin) to be at its bottom face, the spell effect would be above you, and so only affect creatures that occupied more vertical space.
– Someone_Evil
Apr 1 at 13:33
Ah, you argue that I (the point of origin) must be outside the cube. I don't agree, but I understand your answer now
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 14:08
(Edit was for some prose/usage corrections. Nicely reasoned answer. +1 ) :)
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:23
Could "from" not mean "source?" That is, from the caster instead of originating from a point she can see in 30'? In this sense, couldn't the caster have the cube emanate (say) centered on/from her big toe upward?
– Rykara
Apr 1 at 18:55
add a comment |
No, and No
Firstly, thunderwave only specifies that it harms creatures in its area of effect (no other creatures):
Each creature in a 15-foot cube [...]
If you were to be in its area, then you would be subject to damage (and presumably the push effect). However and secondly, thunderwave repeatedly used the word from:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you.
Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw.
(emphasis mine) This indicates that the cube must be pointed away from you, and so you can't put yourself into its area of effect.
If you're at the center, the cube can still originate from you, similar to a spherical explosion, don't you agree? Anyhow, I think you should make an answer with your argument on the questions I've linked, and narrow this answer to my question
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 13:29
Except as you state in the question you are at its face, so for you (the point of origin) to be at its bottom face, the spell effect would be above you, and so only affect creatures that occupied more vertical space.
– Someone_Evil
Apr 1 at 13:33
Ah, you argue that I (the point of origin) must be outside the cube. I don't agree, but I understand your answer now
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 14:08
(Edit was for some prose/usage corrections. Nicely reasoned answer. +1 ) :)
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:23
Could "from" not mean "source?" That is, from the caster instead of originating from a point she can see in 30'? In this sense, couldn't the caster have the cube emanate (say) centered on/from her big toe upward?
– Rykara
Apr 1 at 18:55
add a comment |
No, and No
Firstly, thunderwave only specifies that it harms creatures in its area of effect (no other creatures):
Each creature in a 15-foot cube [...]
If you were to be in its area, then you would be subject to damage (and presumably the push effect). However and secondly, thunderwave repeatedly used the word from:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you.
Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw.
(emphasis mine) This indicates that the cube must be pointed away from you, and so you can't put yourself into its area of effect.
No, and No
Firstly, thunderwave only specifies that it harms creatures in its area of effect (no other creatures):
Each creature in a 15-foot cube [...]
If you were to be in its area, then you would be subject to damage (and presumably the push effect). However and secondly, thunderwave repeatedly used the word from:
A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you.
Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw.
(emphasis mine) This indicates that the cube must be pointed away from you, and so you can't put yourself into its area of effect.
edited Apr 1 at 15:31
answered Apr 1 at 13:21
If you're at the center, the cube can still originate from you, similar to a spherical explosion, don't you agree? Anyhow, I think you should make an answer with your argument on the questions I've linked, and narrow this answer to my question
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 13:29
Except as you state in the question you are at its face, so for you (the point of origin) to be at its bottom face, the spell effect would be above you, and so only affect creatures that occupied more vertical space.
– Someone_Evil
Apr 1 at 13:33
Ah, you argue that I (the point of origin) must be outside the cube. I don't agree, but I understand your answer now
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 14:08
(Edit was for some prose/usage corrections. Nicely reasoned answer. +1 ) :)
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:23
Could "from" not mean "source?" That is, from the caster instead of originating from a point she can see in 30'? In this sense, couldn't the caster have the cube emanate (say) centered on/from her big toe upward?
– Rykara
Apr 1 at 18:55
add a comment |
If you're at the center, the cube can still originate from you, similar to a spherical explosion, don't you agree? Anyhow, I think you should make an answer with your argument on the questions I've linked, and narrow this answer to my question
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 13:29
Except as you state in the question you are at its face, so for you (the point of origin) to be at its bottom face, the spell effect would be above you, and so only affect creatures that occupied more vertical space.
– Someone_Evil
Apr 1 at 13:33
Ah, you argue that I (the point of origin) must be outside the cube. I don't agree, but I understand your answer now
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 14:08
(Edit was for some prose/usage corrections. Nicely reasoned answer. +1 ) :)
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:23
Could "from" not mean "source?" That is, from the caster instead of originating from a point she can see in 30'? In this sense, couldn't the caster have the cube emanate (say) centered on/from her big toe upward?
– Rykara
Apr 1 at 18:55
If you're at the center, the cube can still originate from you, similar to a spherical explosion, don't you agree? Anyhow, I think you should make an answer with your argument on the questions I've linked, and narrow this answer to my question
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 13:29
If you're at the center, the cube can still originate from you, similar to a spherical explosion, don't you agree? Anyhow, I think you should make an answer with your argument on the questions I've linked, and narrow this answer to my question
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 13:29
Except as you state in the question you are at its face, so for you (the point of origin) to be at its bottom face, the spell effect would be above you, and so only affect creatures that occupied more vertical space.
– Someone_Evil
Apr 1 at 13:33
Except as you state in the question you are at its face, so for you (the point of origin) to be at its bottom face, the spell effect would be above you, and so only affect creatures that occupied more vertical space.
– Someone_Evil
Apr 1 at 13:33
Ah, you argue that I (the point of origin) must be outside the cube. I don't agree, but I understand your answer now
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 14:08
Ah, you argue that I (the point of origin) must be outside the cube. I don't agree, but I understand your answer now
– BlueMoon93
Apr 1 at 14:08
(Edit was for some prose/usage corrections. Nicely reasoned answer. +1 ) :)
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:23
(Edit was for some prose/usage corrections. Nicely reasoned answer. +1 ) :)
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 15:23
Could "from" not mean "source?" That is, from the caster instead of originating from a point she can see in 30'? In this sense, couldn't the caster have the cube emanate (say) centered on/from her big toe upward?
– Rykara
Apr 1 at 18:55
Could "from" not mean "source?" That is, from the caster instead of originating from a point she can see in 30'? In this sense, couldn't the caster have the cube emanate (say) centered on/from her big toe upward?
– Rykara
Apr 1 at 18:55
add a comment |
Yes, if you are a Storm Sorcerer at 18th level.
Wind Soul
At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
If you are a sixth level Storm Sorcerer, you have resistance to your own damage.
Heart of the Storm
At 6th level, you gain Resistance to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
You can maybe do it from the Top Face as a First Level Storm Sorcerer
Tempestuous Magic
Starting at 1st level, you can use a Bonus Action on Your Turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you Cast a Spell of 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly up to 10 feet without provoking Opportunity Attacks. (XGtE)
This would work better when standing on a bridge or a ledge than on a hard floor.
But if, as you noted in comments, you are playing a wizard ...
Yes1 - if you are a Wizard(Evoker) of 2d level or higher.
The sculpt spells feature allows you to do this if you are a wizard of the evocation school.
Sculpt Spells
Beginning at 2nd level, you can create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocation spells. When you cast an evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save. (Basic Rules, p. 34)
You can see yourself, so you can include yourself in the protected zone.
On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10
feet away from you.
As I don't see a way to push yourself away from yourself, the caster would not be subject to the pushing effect in this case.
@illustro points out that this interpretation may not fit RAW as strictly as possible, since "other" generally doesn't include one's self. While I think it fits - we can call that a RAF view of this feature - a given DM may take illustro's point on a strict reading of the rules and not allow sculpt spells to apply.
(FWIW, this did come up in a game where I was DM, and since the Wizard was an evoker, I allowed it since it makes sense to me. I can see the other ruling as well).
Rulings and Rules ...
Mike Mearls (one of the devs) is of the opinion that you can save yourself, but I have not found Jeremy Crawford's take on that question - his rulings are more authoritative than Mike's. Sculpt spells is not addressed in the most recent Sage Advice Compendium (version 2.3), nor in the PHB errata.
The Sculpt Spell ability only enables you to make other creatures save automatically, not yourself unfortunately. Though as a DM and RaF I'd allow it!
– illustro
Apr 1 at 14:55
@illustro I'll add your point as a caveat, thanks!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 14:56
add a comment |
Yes, if you are a Storm Sorcerer at 18th level.
Wind Soul
At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
If you are a sixth level Storm Sorcerer, you have resistance to your own damage.
Heart of the Storm
At 6th level, you gain Resistance to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
You can maybe do it from the Top Face as a First Level Storm Sorcerer
Tempestuous Magic
Starting at 1st level, you can use a Bonus Action on Your Turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you Cast a Spell of 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly up to 10 feet without provoking Opportunity Attacks. (XGtE)
This would work better when standing on a bridge or a ledge than on a hard floor.
But if, as you noted in comments, you are playing a wizard ...
Yes1 - if you are a Wizard(Evoker) of 2d level or higher.
The sculpt spells feature allows you to do this if you are a wizard of the evocation school.
Sculpt Spells
Beginning at 2nd level, you can create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocation spells. When you cast an evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save. (Basic Rules, p. 34)
You can see yourself, so you can include yourself in the protected zone.
On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10
feet away from you.
As I don't see a way to push yourself away from yourself, the caster would not be subject to the pushing effect in this case.
@illustro points out that this interpretation may not fit RAW as strictly as possible, since "other" generally doesn't include one's self. While I think it fits - we can call that a RAF view of this feature - a given DM may take illustro's point on a strict reading of the rules and not allow sculpt spells to apply.
(FWIW, this did come up in a game where I was DM, and since the Wizard was an evoker, I allowed it since it makes sense to me. I can see the other ruling as well).
Rulings and Rules ...
Mike Mearls (one of the devs) is of the opinion that you can save yourself, but I have not found Jeremy Crawford's take on that question - his rulings are more authoritative than Mike's. Sculpt spells is not addressed in the most recent Sage Advice Compendium (version 2.3), nor in the PHB errata.
The Sculpt Spell ability only enables you to make other creatures save automatically, not yourself unfortunately. Though as a DM and RaF I'd allow it!
– illustro
Apr 1 at 14:55
@illustro I'll add your point as a caveat, thanks!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 14:56
add a comment |
Yes, if you are a Storm Sorcerer at 18th level.
Wind Soul
At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
If you are a sixth level Storm Sorcerer, you have resistance to your own damage.
Heart of the Storm
At 6th level, you gain Resistance to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
You can maybe do it from the Top Face as a First Level Storm Sorcerer
Tempestuous Magic
Starting at 1st level, you can use a Bonus Action on Your Turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you Cast a Spell of 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly up to 10 feet without provoking Opportunity Attacks. (XGtE)
This would work better when standing on a bridge or a ledge than on a hard floor.
But if, as you noted in comments, you are playing a wizard ...
Yes1 - if you are a Wizard(Evoker) of 2d level or higher.
The sculpt spells feature allows you to do this if you are a wizard of the evocation school.
Sculpt Spells
Beginning at 2nd level, you can create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocation spells. When you cast an evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save. (Basic Rules, p. 34)
You can see yourself, so you can include yourself in the protected zone.
On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10
feet away from you.
As I don't see a way to push yourself away from yourself, the caster would not be subject to the pushing effect in this case.
@illustro points out that this interpretation may not fit RAW as strictly as possible, since "other" generally doesn't include one's self. While I think it fits - we can call that a RAF view of this feature - a given DM may take illustro's point on a strict reading of the rules and not allow sculpt spells to apply.
(FWIW, this did come up in a game where I was DM, and since the Wizard was an evoker, I allowed it since it makes sense to me. I can see the other ruling as well).
Rulings and Rules ...
Mike Mearls (one of the devs) is of the opinion that you can save yourself, but I have not found Jeremy Crawford's take on that question - his rulings are more authoritative than Mike's. Sculpt spells is not addressed in the most recent Sage Advice Compendium (version 2.3), nor in the PHB errata.
Yes, if you are a Storm Sorcerer at 18th level.
Wind Soul
At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
If you are a sixth level Storm Sorcerer, you have resistance to your own damage.
Heart of the Storm
At 6th level, you gain Resistance to lightning and thunder damage. (XGtE)
You can maybe do it from the Top Face as a First Level Storm Sorcerer
Tempestuous Magic
Starting at 1st level, you can use a Bonus Action on Your Turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you Cast a Spell of 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly up to 10 feet without provoking Opportunity Attacks. (XGtE)
This would work better when standing on a bridge or a ledge than on a hard floor.
But if, as you noted in comments, you are playing a wizard ...
Yes1 - if you are a Wizard(Evoker) of 2d level or higher.
The sculpt spells feature allows you to do this if you are a wizard of the evocation school.
Sculpt Spells
Beginning at 2nd level, you can create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocation spells. When you cast an evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save. (Basic Rules, p. 34)
You can see yourself, so you can include yourself in the protected zone.
On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10
feet away from you.
As I don't see a way to push yourself away from yourself, the caster would not be subject to the pushing effect in this case.
@illustro points out that this interpretation may not fit RAW as strictly as possible, since "other" generally doesn't include one's self. While I think it fits - we can call that a RAF view of this feature - a given DM may take illustro's point on a strict reading of the rules and not allow sculpt spells to apply.
(FWIW, this did come up in a game where I was DM, and since the Wizard was an evoker, I allowed it since it makes sense to me. I can see the other ruling as well).
Rulings and Rules ...
Mike Mearls (one of the devs) is of the opinion that you can save yourself, but I have not found Jeremy Crawford's take on that question - his rulings are more authoritative than Mike's. Sculpt spells is not addressed in the most recent Sage Advice Compendium (version 2.3), nor in the PHB errata.
edited Apr 1 at 15:41
answered Apr 1 at 14:53

The Sculpt Spell ability only enables you to make other creatures save automatically, not yourself unfortunately. Though as a DM and RaF I'd allow it!
– illustro
Apr 1 at 14:55
@illustro I'll add your point as a caveat, thanks!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 14:56
add a comment |
The Sculpt Spell ability only enables you to make other creatures save automatically, not yourself unfortunately. Though as a DM and RaF I'd allow it!
– illustro
Apr 1 at 14:55
@illustro I'll add your point as a caveat, thanks!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 14:56
The Sculpt Spell ability only enables you to make other creatures save automatically, not yourself unfortunately. Though as a DM and RaF I'd allow it!
– illustro
Apr 1 at 14:55
The Sculpt Spell ability only enables you to make other creatures save automatically, not yourself unfortunately. Though as a DM and RaF I'd allow it!
– illustro
Apr 1 at 14:55
@illustro I'll add your point as a caveat, thanks!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 14:56
@illustro I'll add your point as a caveat, thanks!
– KorvinStarmast
Apr 1 at 14:56
add a comment |
You can definitely include yourself
It is right in your cited explanation of cube range:
A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
That is akin to putting yourself in the range of the spell. Even if this were not the case, you could still have the origin outside the range, and have yourself in it.
You might be able to avoid damage, if and only if you are an Evocation Wizard
Evocation wizards can sculpt spells to avoid hitting allies. However, whether you can do this is subject to interpretation:
Sculpt Spells
... that affects other creatures you can see ...
(emphasis mine)
It is up to you and your DM whether other refers to non-target creatures or not yourself, but I believe it is the former.
add a comment |
You can definitely include yourself
It is right in your cited explanation of cube range:
A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
That is akin to putting yourself in the range of the spell. Even if this were not the case, you could still have the origin outside the range, and have yourself in it.
You might be able to avoid damage, if and only if you are an Evocation Wizard
Evocation wizards can sculpt spells to avoid hitting allies. However, whether you can do this is subject to interpretation:
Sculpt Spells
... that affects other creatures you can see ...
(emphasis mine)
It is up to you and your DM whether other refers to non-target creatures or not yourself, but I believe it is the former.
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You can definitely include yourself
It is right in your cited explanation of cube range:
A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
That is akin to putting yourself in the range of the spell. Even if this were not the case, you could still have the origin outside the range, and have yourself in it.
You might be able to avoid damage, if and only if you are an Evocation Wizard
Evocation wizards can sculpt spells to avoid hitting allies. However, whether you can do this is subject to interpretation:
Sculpt Spells
... that affects other creatures you can see ...
(emphasis mine)
It is up to you and your DM whether other refers to non-target creatures or not yourself, but I believe it is the former.
You can definitely include yourself
It is right in your cited explanation of cube range:
A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.
That is akin to putting yourself in the range of the spell. Even if this were not the case, you could still have the origin outside the range, and have yourself in it.
You might be able to avoid damage, if and only if you are an Evocation Wizard
Evocation wizards can sculpt spells to avoid hitting allies. However, whether you can do this is subject to interpretation:
Sculpt Spells
... that affects other creatures you can see ...
(emphasis mine)
It is up to you and your DM whether other refers to non-target creatures or not yourself, but I believe it is the former.
answered Apr 1 at 14:56
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You should clarify whether you want to affect "adjacent" creatures that are "on the ground". The question in the title, and the bolded section, seem like a different question to the bolded section.
– Andrzej Doyle
Apr 1 at 16:56
@AndrzejDoyle Edited and added images for clarity
– BlueMoon93
2 days ago